Thermal Segregation and Leveling

Thermal Segregation and Leveling - Live Trial in Thailand

SDC International, ROADTEC, CCC Intertrade and MOBA AG participated on a road construction event in Surat Thani in the south of Thailand. A total of 140 visitors joint the event which was split into a theoretical introduction of construction solutions in the AM and a practical live pavement demonstration in the PM.
We presented the ROADTEC Shuttle Buggy “SB2500D” and the ROADTEC paver “RP195EX” equipped with MOBA’s PAVE IR system and MOBA’s state of the art leveling system Big Sonic Ski as well as a matching ski on the other side.
The setup was presented to a group of contractors, road authorities and other government bodies concerned with road construction.

Next to Pave IR and MOBA Big Sonic Ski, the paver was equipped with our MOBA material sensor which controls the outflow of material from the screed. Next to leveling equipment MOBA is the leading manufacturer of such material sensors.

How does the Shuttle buggy support the laying of the asphalt with the correct temperature?

The shuttle buggy solves the majority of the problems that arise connected to thermal segregation. The shuttle buggy acts like a mobile mixing plant that ensures that the material is transported through insolated chambers but also keeps moving which ensures homogenous temperature of the material. It also reduces the number of paver stops which subsequently lead to a smooth crossing from truck load to truck load keeping the temperature on a homogenous level. An animated video is showing this process:

PAVE IR supports the operator to not only understand the temperature dynamics of the paver but also monitors the temperature of the in- and out-flowing material. As for the inflow of material, that means that the operator can improve in coordinating the truck loads. A better coordinating of incoming truck loads means less risk of wasting material or jeopardizing temperature. As for the outflowing material – Pave IR supports the conduct of compactors to ensure material has been compacted within the suitable temperature range. Compacting material that is too hot can lead to pushing the asphalt sideways which will result in surface irregularities whereas compacting material that is too cold can lead to cracks within the material. Both issues decrease the quality and the duration of the new pavement of the road.

The PAVE IR results from the live performance are illustrated below:

This pictures shows the differences from using a Shuttle Buggy and not using a Shuttle Buggy. Section 1-2 is paved without ShuttleBuggy. As you can see there are many Paver stops (indicted in green). The blue circle indicate that Material temperature is distributed uneven. As you can see the material differences strongly corelate with the paver stops.

The second picture shows a range of 50 meters paved with shuttle buggy As you can see from the screenshot we were able to reach 99,5 % homogeneity. In terms of temperature distribution this is an excellent result.

Next to the challenge of Thermal segregation which was tackled with Pave IR and the Shuttle Buggy – MOBA displayed their state-of-the-art leveling system: The Big Sonic Ski.

As smoothness is one of the most recent focus in Thai road construction, the Big Sonic Ski is the answer for this request. While automatically operating the screed of the paver, the Big Sonic Ski works without an artificial reference. One can sense straight from the ground. The BSS uses a special algorithm to smoothen out the height differences that it senses from the surface and converts the measurements into a smooth result.

Working with the Big Sonic Ski results in time & costs savings, higher quality and subsequently leads to longer duration of the road.

A very special thanks to SDC International and Roadtec who organized this event.