QSBW 4.0 - Future roadconstruction in Germany
QSBW 4.0 means Quality Roadconstruction Baden-Württemberg and is the most advanced and most digitalized working plan we have in Germany. Published in 2018, we had a lot of pilot projects running this year. The goal is to have as much as possible digitized and documented in order to achieve visible quality for long lasting and perfectly built roads.
Jobstory QSBW 4.0
We as MOBA where also part of most of these pilots by connecting our Thermal Profiling System Pave-IR with BPO Asphalt from Volz Consulting GmbH. BPO Asphalt is a digital Jobsite planning tool and supports the foreman by sending him live information from the mixing plant, the trucks, the paver all the way to the rollers. The Dynapac Paver SD2550CS was also equipped with MOBA Levelling technology – our Big Ski, working on the left and the right side made sure that our customer reached an absolute smooth road.
Our Pave-IR System scans the complete road width of more than 10 meters and delivers the temperature profile. Connected to BPO Asphalt and to our MOBA Cloud, the customer was able to see live data within the BPO System and also live data within our documentation software PaveProjectManager – our tool which helps to load and edit the data from the Pave-IR System and create a Quality Report. This is how a jobsite should look like in future. Open interfaces are one of the keys to connected systems of different parties.
Why are these digital systems important?
The visibility of many things which where invisible over more than hundred years is one of the key arguments for digitalization. Process optimization by saving time, documenting quality and using paving quality tools helps to improve on every single workflow all around the jobsite.
The reason behind Thermal Profiling
Researchers found out that a correlation between surface temperature and the density exists in asphalt paving which is called Thermal Segregation. Thermal Segregation appears when you have cold spots in your pavement. Thermal Segregation supports Material Segregation which is the main reason for road cracks.
Pave-IR scans the asphalt surface behind the machine and creates a thermal profile which is displayed and stored on our operand. Important values like job distance, machine speed, position, single temperature sensors and ambient conditions are also shown in the system. All these values help to understand the jobsite and as well as asphalt paving in general. During and after the jobsite, different truck loads, paver stops, machine problems, material flow and thus quality is visible and improvable.