MOBA Drilling 3D System installed in Germany
We are proud to announce that we have successfully installed the first MOBA XSite APP drilling system. This system is a combination of MDS 2000 (2D) and Xsite APP (3D).A random position has been recorded on Test Day 1 and saved to the System. The position has been recovered on Test Day 2 with no problem. The MOBA development and end customer are very satisfied with the result.
The picture below shows Mister Hiltenkamp (product manager of MOBA Drilling) and Ville Junno (Service manager from NOVATRON) after the successful installation.
Currently MOBA is one of only few manufacturer that offer a 3D Drilling system where the antennas are not suited on the drill head but on the back of the machine. This way, the hazard of damage and accuracy problem due to vibration are reduced to a minimum. In addition, the GPS signal is accurate even if the drill bit is tilted.