Autobahn-Bau in Polen: Erfolg mit dem Super-Ski von Budimex und MOBA

Cloud connectivity – integrated into the development process

The keywords cloud connection or cloud connectivity are well known, everyone is talking about them. In the future, more and more MOBA systems will have a cloud connection, probably all in the medium term. Via the MOBA Cloud, users have a web-based access to their machines and vehicles, with a central data management and access to configuration and protocols.

In certain market segments, almost all systems (sensors, machines, vehicles) have a cloud connection, or this is already inherent in the system. The technical preconditions and structures for the cloud connection have been in place for a long time. They can be used and adapted for further or future systems.

A possible cloud connection should already be considered during the product development process. For this purpose, many questions have to be asked and agreements have to be made, during the specification.

By including all relevant questions in the draft of the requirements specification, it should be ensured, that all relevant points for specification and handling of the cloud connection are clarified.

Corresponding tasks in the project plan ensures the complete and exact implementation.

In addition, a now available guide assists the realization of development projects with cloud connection. It explains individual aspects of this topic and lists the existing documentation for the MOBA cloud connection. A glossary explains the many technical terms relating to the subject. Further sections describe the requirements for cloud server, cloud gateways, communications security, SIM integration up to the organization of a customer project.

Main content of the guide for the MOBA cloud connection:

– Common questions and tasks about cloud connection are listed in a general section.
– A definition of the cloud connection for the system or the component. For example, the selection of certain components is important for the later implementation of some requirements.

Cloud server:
– Lists questions and tasks related to server requirements.
– Definitions for IT-infrastructure, hosting, security, management.

Cloud project:
– Lists questions and tasks for installing a cloud project.
– Definitions for the specific application, for customer, partners involved, users. In addition, definitions for web interfaces, service interfaces and so on.
– Checklists help with the implementation.

Cloud gateway:
– Defines the specific requirements for cloud gateway or other system components regarding to the cloud connection.
– Cloud gateways could be:
– MOBA Cloud Gateway WiFi – as a SIM-free solution
– MOBA Cloud Gateway cellular network – SIM card
– MOBA Cloud Gateway cellular network – integrated SIM chip

Communications security:
– This section lists all points for the communications security.

SIM (Subscriber Identity Module):
– The requirements for the SIM are listed here.
– Management for all SIM related data

By integrating the handling of the cloud connection into the development process, a structured and uniform implementation of the requirements are guaranteed.



The Abu Hadriyah Road is an important highway in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province. The highway runs from the United Arab Emirates’ Batha’ border crossing to Kuwait’s border, passing near or through the cities of Khobar, Dammam, Qatif, Jubail, and Khafji over a distance of 646 kilometers (401 mi). The King Fahd Causeway, which connects Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, is also accessible via the motorway.This road is the major highway in the eastern province, since it moves goods and services as well as travelers between eastern cities and countries facing the Arab Gulf.

There is a constant maintenance projects this road is getting all over the year, since heavy loads are being driven on it the road goes into rutting and cracking during the year.

Rashid Contracting Establishment (RCE) is one of the main project contractors that are involved in the maintenance project. Their scope of work involves Cold milling up to the subgrade as well as paving new base course and wearing course of 70 Km stretch of road.


  • Difficulties on Site

RCE current Bomag pavers came with rotary sensors and during the paving crew were using a steel rod layed on the ground and the Rotary Sensor above it.
Their setup was creating a lot of irregulates specially since the Cold Milling and is not producing accurate level results. The Consultants were not happy with the end results of the paving that is being done and “they were looking for a solution to remove these irregulates and produce a smoother asphalt layer”.

The RCE project manager was approached by Mr. Ali Alrayes from SINTECHS the Local Partner of MOBA and a solution was introduced to solve their issues that is “The Big Sonic Ski”.

• The Big Sonic Ski Solution

During the first stage of introduction to the system the RCE management needed some explanations and proof of concept regarding the result of the system. MOBA Local Partner SINTECHS have answered all the RCE doubts during the open presentation to the management and showed the success stories that has been already established in Saudi Arabia using the Big Sonic Ski.

On August 8th 2021 the Big Ski system have been installed on 2 Bomag Pavers that were on site. The old Rotary system with the steel Rod were discarded and the switch to the Big Ski were almost instant.

• Training on the System

At first, the screed operators were afraid of the new levelling system but MOBA Local Partner SINTECHS have provided the training necessary for the installation and use of the Big Ski system. With small learning curve the screed operators were happy to use the system. 

XSite Pro in Taiwan

XSite Pro in Taiwan

Taiwan is the latest country where MOBA AG has introduced their 3D XSite Excavator control system to support companies working more efficiently and more accurately, – saving money, time, and rework. Xsite allows your team to program every dig in 2D and 3D applications, reducing up to 90 percent of the surveying work on your site. With MOBA you’re equipped with full visibility into depth, height, inclination, and bucket position. Each dig. Every time. For any machine. The Taiwanese company JFCC works on a project in the south of Taichung City to build a new water reservoir with a timeline of over 5-6 years. JFCC works with over 12 excavators and more than 20 trucks to ensure fast and efficient dig out. In total, the project compromises the creation of 3 lakes whereas the bottom must be filled with 3 layers of material. The first layer is sand with a height of approximately 80 cm. The second layer is small rocks with sizes between 3-5 cm with an average height of 60 cm and the third layer of another 60 cm with big rocks sized between 10-15 cm.” 

JFCC put the distribution of material to the test. They used a strip of 400 meters, whereas 200 meters were filled and leveled in a traditional way and 200 meters were being processed using MOBA Xsite Pro on their excavator. Traditionally means that first a surveyor was employed to stake out the needed height for each material (sand, small rock & big rock). Afterward, the operator was using an excavator to follow the stakes of the surveyor to bring the material to grade and level. The second strip of 200 meters needed no surveyor but only MOBA Xsite Pro system installed on an excavator and processing needed tasks by moving independently.

The result of the difference of both strips are significant:

MOBA Xsite Pro performed the task in half the time with more precise finishing, meaning that the operator was able to exploit the height tolerance at a minimum level.

Why is this so important?

Especially in large projects saving (even up to) 1cm of the material makes a huge cost difference. Imaging the distribution of material for a given land size of 100000m². Every additional centimeter would equal the use of 100 tones of additional material and connected costs.
With XSite Pro you can not only work faster yet also more efficiently by cutting operational costs and costs of material.

Thank you very much to Yuan and his team for the feedback and pictures

Succes Story of Zeigner Bohrtechnik in Germany

Succces Story of Zeigner Bohrtechnik in Germany

Bastian Zeigner operates the family business in the second generation. He is one of the few drilling experts in Germany who specialized in Furukawa machines. In his career, he has delivered and set up more than 30 Drilling machines. In addition, Bastian Zeigner is also a pioneer when it comes to selling and supporting MOBA 2D and 3D Drilling systems.

Mister Zeigner, being the face to the customer supported MOBA on developing missing features and thus supported the perfection of our MDS drilling systems.

As well as MOBA, Zeigner Bohrtechnik puts a high value on customer satisfaction and customer support.

The pictures below show a MOBA 2D & 3D extension on a Furukawa type 1800 machine. The pictures are taken in Passau where the machine supports granite mining.

MOBA offers Drilling hang-on systems for every machine type. MOBA offers a broad range of systems from basic leveling and depth to full 3D appliances. Especially MOBA and the OEM Furukawa have a fruitful partnership that allow end-customer to upgrade their existing Furukawa machine with 2D and 3D based on pre-existing MOBA components on most of Furukawa machine types.

With MOBA’s drilling system, your Team can prepare your blast with precisely measured, uniform drill holes and immediately increase your cost efficiency. Save yourself time-consuming manual measurements and drill parallel holes of the same depth and angle in just a few simple steps with the assistance system. The optimum blast will determine the size of the rocks and thus will have a direct impact on productivity. For example, small rocks can be fed directly into the crusher and thus be prepared for selling. Bigger rocks need to be crushed again and slow down the process of productivity while increasing costs of fuel, staff, and wear and tear of machinery.

Comment Basti Zeigner

“I have been working with MOBA for many years and I especially like their fast and effeicient support. MOBA Drilling systems support my customer to incresae their productivity and save money and time on the job.”

MOBA AG is proud to work closely with a drilling expert like Bastian Zeigner. MOBA is looking forward to many years of partnership and projects together with Zeigner Bohrtechnik.

More Infos and contact for Zeiger Bohrtechnik can be found here: ZEIGNER ZHD BOHRTECHNIK – ZEIGNER ZHD BOHRTECHNIK ist Ihr Spezialist für Bohrwagen, Bohrtechnik und Bohrwerkzeuge für Wiesbaden, Limburg, Frankfurt, Taunus und Rhein-Main und ganz Deutschland (

More Infos on MOBA Drilling systems can be found here: Machine Control for Drilling Piling operations better quality and less works in Quarries and Minings (

Interested in our 3D:

The Choice of Bucket

The Choice of Bucket

Working with an excavator enables the operator to perform a wide-ranging list of tasks depending on the job. Each application demands different skills and corresponding working tools. When operating with XSite Pro, the operator has full flexibility when it comes to the choice of working tool – his or her bucket. XSite Pro supports all common excavator buckets and beyond.
The below video shows the most common buckets used in XSite Pro

In addition, XSite Pro also supports are a wide range of 3rd party Tiltrotors.

Tilt rotators are perfect for grading and leveling work, allowing you to be more efficient when tackling the job and saving you from having to constantly reposition your excavator.

Here is an overview of our most common tilt rotators supported by both our software Xsite App and LNX.

Kinshofer Nox

The below picture shows the excavator of our customer Juhyun who bundles his own manufactured Tilit rotator with our Xsite Pro system in Korea.

Please see the website of Juhyun for further information:

Compaction system in the Test: MCA 500 vs. Conventional Methods

Compaction system in the Test: MCA 500 vs. Conventional Methods

Our team from MOBA INDIA has tested conventional compacting against compacting with MOBA MCA 500 compaction system with their customer L&T RATLAM MPEP PKG 22.
Here is what they found out:

Conventional Compacting would have led to 4-8 passes on average. Based on the system feedback – compaction was already achieved after 3-4 passes.

The report shows an efficiency increase of over 40% – We are very proud of this result.

In addition, the field density test in the laboratory confirmed a desired density at 98,2 % with MCA 500 system.

We deliver better quality in less time by saving a lot of operating costs!

In compaction, increasing the number of passes does not mean increasing the density.

In fact, over compacting can lead to a decrease in density and stiffness.

For asphalt compaction, one also needs to consider the correct temperature to avoid damage to the fresh pavement.

Return on Investment

Unlike in the example above, let us assume a conservative efficiency increase of ONLY 20% and look at the following example of Return on Investment.

We have based our example on the following assumptions:

  • Compaction machine life span: 5 years with 10.000 working hours
  • Machine price: 80.000 USD
  • Interest rate: 5%
  • Efficiency increase 20%
  • The average cost of MCA 500: 5000$
  • Cost of Operator (global average): 8,36 USD

We can show that our Point of Break-even is achieved in less than one year (1000 machine hours) and our ROI may exceed 50000$ over a machine lifetime.

Please contact us if you want to calculate your personal Return on Investment with MOBA MCA 500.

Autobahn-Bau in Polen: Erfolg mit dem Super-Ski von Budimex und MOBA

Autobahn-Bau in Polen: Erfolg mit dem Super-Ski von Budimex und MOBA

OEM-Hersteller MOBA, Händler Bellator und Bauunternehmen Budimex liefern ein Beispiel für die Innovationskraft der Baubranche: Der polnische Experte für Straßenbau erreichte dank des Super-Ski von MOBA höchste Ebenheit und Effizienz bei der Asphaltierung der A1-Autobahn. Besonders die schnelle Montage und die robuste Konstruktion des Super-Ski konnten dabei überzeugen.

Das führende Bauunternehmen Polens, Budimex, suchte daher nach innovativen Lösungen, um diese Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten. Insbesondere die mühsame und zeitaufwendige Einrichtung herkömmlicher Nivelliersysteme, die akribische manuelle Einstellungen erfordern, machten dem Unternehmen dabei zu schaffen. Eine Lösung fand das Unternehmen in Form des Super-Skis von MOBA.

Die Bauindustrie, insbesondere der Straßenbau, steht vor zahlreichen Herausforderungen. Straßen müssen heute nicht nur möglichst eben, robust und langlebig sein, sondern auch so schnell und am besten mit so geringem Materialverbrauch wie möglich gebaut werden. So steht hinter (den meisten) neuen Straßen eine Meisterleistung, der höchstpräzise, aufwendige und anspruchsvolle Vermessungen vorausgehen.

Die Super-Ski-Lösung: Game-Changer auf der A1

Zum Einsatz kam der Super-Ski dabei im Rahmen eines Projekts zur Erneuerung der Asphaltfahrbahn auf der Autobahn A1. Budimex, unterstützt von Bellator, dem MOBA-Händler in Polen, montierte das System dazu auf einen DYNAPAC SD 2550-Fertiger. Das Ergebnis: präziseste Nivellierung – bei unkompliziertem, schnellem Handling und höchster Effizienz. “Der Super-Ski stellt einen Technologiesprung dar und bietet eine Lösung, mit der sich die Produktivität deutlich steigern lässt – und das ohne dabei Abstriche in Sachen Qualität machen zu müssen”, so Paweł Radecki von Bellator.

Neue Maßstäbe im Straßenbau

Zum Einsatz kam der Super-Ski dabei im Rahmen eines Projekts zur Erneuerung der Asphaltfahrbahn auf der Autobahn A1. Budimex, unterstützt von Bellator, dem MOBA-Händler in Polen, montierte das System dazu auf einen DYNAPAC SD 2550-Fertiger. Das Ergebnis: präziseste Nivellierung – bei unkompliziertem, schnellem Handling und höchster Effizienz. “Der Super-Ski stellt einen Technologiesprung dar und bietet eine Lösung, mit der sich die Produktivität deutlich steigern lässt – und das ohne dabei Abstriche in Sachen Qualität machen zu müssen”, so Paweł Radecki von Bellator.

Partnerschaft als Erfolgsgarant

Entscheidend für den Erfolg des Projekts war neben dem Produkt vor allem auch die konstruktive Zusammenarbeit zwischen MOBA, Bellator und Budimex. “Diese Kooperation unterstreicht einmal mehr unser Engagement, Innovationen in der Bautechnik voranzutreiben”, so Erik Geis, Director Sales EMEA von MOBA. „Sie ist ein Paradebeispiel dafür, wie Spitzentechnologie, unterstützt durch starke Partnerschaften und hervorragende Kundenbetreuung, zu außergewöhnlichen Ergebnissen führen kann.“

Gemeinsam die Zukunft gestalten

Das Super-Ski-Projekt mit Budimex und Bellator markiert einen wichtigen Fortschritt in der Straßenbauindustrie. Es zeigt, wie mit innovativen Ansätzen traditionelle Herausforderungen gemeistert und neue Maßstäbe in Sachen Effizienz und Qualität gesetzt werden können. Diese Partnerschaft verspricht daher nicht nur langlebige und nachhaltige Straßen, sondern auch eine Zukunft, in der die Bauindustrie durch Zusammenarbeit innovativer und effizienter wird.

Als eines der führenden polnischen Bauunternehmen kann Budimex auf eine lange Tradition bei der Durchführung hochwertiger Infrastruktur- und Bauprojekte zurückblicken. Ihr Fokus auf Innovation und Effizienz ermöglicht es ihnen, komplexe Herausforderungen im Bauwesen zu meistern und die Nachhaltigkeit und Langlebigkeit ihrer Projekte zu gewährleisten.
Budimex Website

Bellator, der offizielle Händler von MOBA in Polen, ist auf die Lieferung von fortschrittlichen Bautechniklösungen spezialisiert. Dank seiner Fachkenntnisse auf dem lokalen Markt und seines starken Supports haben Kunden wie Budimex Zugang zu den besten Werkzeugen und innovativen Technologien.
Bellator Website

MCA 1500 Trial Test in Kalimantan, Indonesia

MCA 1500 Trial Test in Kalimantan, Indonesia

The project to relocate Jakarta to Kalimantan aims to address the challenges posed by Jakarta’s sinking and overcrowding. It involves moving the capital city of Indonesia from Jakarta on the island of Java to a new location in Kalimantan, Borneo. The project includes constructing a new capital city with modern infrastructure, government buildings, and housing. The relocation aims to alleviate Jakarta’s congestion, reduce environmental issues, and distribute economic development more evenly across the country. It is a massive undertaking with the goal of creating a sustainable and resilient capital for Indonesia’s future.
MOBA’s Compaction Assistant Solution, MCA 1500 was recently demonstrated by our Distributor PT Multi Traktor at a prestigious project site in Kalimantan to show that it will be able to solve customer’s pain points and to fulfill their requirements for an upcoming prestigious project.
In their previous road construction projects, the customer faced a lot of quality issues due to under and over compaction of soil. Therefore, the customer wants to incorporate an intelligent compaction solution to confirm that each soil layers are well compacted. Additionally, they wanted the process of compaction to be documented to ensure that soil compaction works are done as per the required specifications. With MOBA’s Intelligent Compaction Value (ICV) which compares favorably with soil density results via sand cone test, compaction during the trial test could be optimized as our system indicates on its display with green signal when the soil is compacted.

The contractor will potentially have cost savings of up to 40% in compactor run time, fuel savings and manpower. This indirectly will help to solve Customer’s other requirement, which is to complete the project in shortest time possible.

The operator of the compactor also gave positive feedbacks on MCA 1500 that the system is quite user-friendly and easy to handle. In all, MOBA’s compaction assistant will provide a win-win situation for road owners and contractors. Additionally, data from compaction work done at site could also be sent to MOBA Cloud and visualized as per Customer’s request with reporting functionality.

MOBA Land Leveling system in EQUESTRIAN CLUB

MOBA Land Leveling system in EQUESTRIAN CLUB, UAE

One of the top companies in Sharjah, UAE is relying on the MOBA Land Leveling System for tractors to prepare the perfect terrain before each horse show. The event happens twice a year. Every show has its unique conditions that affect the horse and the rider’s performance, and one major factor is the smoothness of the ground. Both not properly leveled and sticky ground may reduce the horse’s mobility.

A leveled racetrack for horses offers several benefits. Firstly, it provides a consistent and fair surface for all participating horses, reducing the likelihood of accidents or injuries caused by uneven terrain. Secondly, a leveled track ensures that the race is determined by the horses’ skill and speed rather than external factors such as track conditions. This promotes a more level playing field and enhances the integrity of the sport. Additionally, a leveled track allows trainers and jockeys to accurately assess and improve the performance of their horses over time. Lastly, it can contribute to better record keeping and statistical analysis, enabling more precise evaluation of horse performance and breeding potential.
After each use, our customer keeps on praising both the robustness and the accuracy of the MOBA Laser Matic. Extremely easy to operate, as the operator turns on the tractor and drives the field. The speed in controlling the tractor’s grader prevents the level correction rework.

Most important features:

Finding a softer footing for prolonged hours of safe horse riding is no longer a problem, thanks to the reliable solution called MOBA LLS. With over 50 years of experience as a trusted partner in leveling appliances, MOBA brings its expertise to the equestrian world. The MOBA leveling system operates seamlessly in multinational environments, showcasing its robustness and simplicity for the operator. It ensures a secure and stable surface, providing both horse riders and trainers with peace of mind during their activities. Count on MOBA LLS to deliver the optimal leveling solution for a superior horse riding experience.

3,102m of MRWs in a pile

3,102m of MRWs in a pile

Until the end of 2016, MOBA sold 23.867 MRWs. This would make a pile, which is even higher than the highest mountain in Germany, the Zugspitze. Numbers are rising. The Moment compensating Redundant Weigh Cell thus is the most successful load limitation solution for aerial boom lifters.
MOBA offers the MRW now for more than 15 years. It has thus reached a very high process stability in production.

To find out more about the MRW, its application and reliability, don’t forget to check out the following articles:

3,102m of MRWs in a pile

By the end of 2016, MOBA had sold 23,867 MRWs—enough to surpass the height of Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze. As the most successful load limitation solution for aerial boom lifters, the MRW has demonstrated over 15 years of proven reliability and production stability, with demand continuing to grow.

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