Excavator Guide – Xsite PRO for the trench construction site

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

Excavator Guide - Xsite PRO for the trench construction site

The 3D excavation control Xsite Pro is a system with plenty of features for various projects. To give you an overview of what is possible with the system, we would like to illustrate some applications and provide you with some tips and tricks to optimally profit from the system.

As such, the following guide will show you how to use Xsite Pro for an optimum trench construction. Please find the pdf guide in English for download here

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are looking forward to hearing from you! Please leave a comment with your experience with the system!


Die 3D Baggersteuerung Xsite Pro ist ein System mit vielen Features für die verschiedensten Projekte. Um Ihnen einen Überblick zu geben, welche Möglichkeiten Ihnen das System bietet, stellen wir gerne einige Anwendungsfälle vor und geben Ihnen einige Tipps und Tricks mit auf den Weg, wie Sie optimal von dem System profitieren.

So wird Ihnen der folgende Guide eine Anleitung zur optimalen Grabenbaustelle sein. Sie finden das Dokument hier auf Deutsch zum Download.

Zögern Sie nicht uns bei weiteren Fragen einfach zu kontaktieren! Und hi

PAVE-TM – the worlds first automatic asphalt thickness measurement system

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

PAVE-TM - the worlds first automatic asphalt thickness measurement system

The workers are preparing the machine for the pavement of 6 km top layer. The screed is heated, the machine is positioned, leveling- and material sensors are installed. Today, the team is going to work with MOBA’s PAVE-TM system for the first time.

After a brief introduction through our MOBA Service Team, mechanics and sensors are quickly installed on the machine. The paving team consists of workers with many years of professional experience, as well as young men who have just completed their education. The perfect mix of people for the introduction of a new system, because we are always striving to develop our systems for all ages.

“Everyone should be able to work with the system.”

We started with instructing the operating concept and the software architecture. The younger workers didn´t show any fear of contact and started to navigate through all the main menus, looked through the submenus and got to know the system very quickly. The more experienced workers were very skeptical and initially they didn´t really trust our new system.

We started with the paving process, configured the system together with the whole team. Afterwards, we simply gave everything in their hands. We quickly realized that there are different preferences in the basic view of the system. While one wants to see only the thickness of the layer, the other one is enthusiastic about our overview menu showing actual thickness, temperature, screed width and paved distance. It was like with all of our new system, workers need to get the confidence in reliability and accuracy. On the first kilometer, the thickness was measured with their manual tool they usually use.

The distance was checked with a distance wheel and the screed width was measured conventionally with a string. Their values matched with the values of our PAVE-TM System and after a short time, everyone started to trust in PAVE-TM. They started to lower the height of the screed to work in lower tolerance limits. The material calculation was also running and the values were compared with the incoming trucks in order to optimize the process. By displaying the actual asphalt temperature above the auger, the screed workers could communicate with the roller drivers to prevent from a too early or too late compaction of the fresh material.

After a few hours of installation the project was completed, the customer trusted the system and they will use it in their future projects.

Find more information on our PAVE-TM Layer Thickness Measurement Website.

The future of lifting platform production, with the help of WiFi and end of line Tool

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

The future of lifting platform production, with the help of WiFi and end of line Tool

I am being shown around the production area of a Lifter company. I am especially interested in the initial operation department. In which we are going to watch a full system integration of our products. It’s a formidable sight, when a CAN-Bus starts and the platform springs into life.

I watch a new platform being driven into the start up area. The experienced employee instantly starts work and produces a durable power system for the platform.

I hear a loud beep and see the different flashing LEDs from the slope sensors and the HMI in the basket. A few seconds later, the employee activates the MCG WiFi by quickly pressing the capacitive switch. On his way back to his desk, the employee trips over the power cable and nearly falls over. He mutters something under his breath and the launch begins.

On the Laptop screen I can see our End of line Tool prompting the employee to pair to a device. The prompt monitor shows all the available platforms that are present in the production area. He glances at the consignment note and with one click, purposely selects the Platform in front of us. The Platform is now directly connected to the service computer. He explains that the Platform is specially configured. The customer would like a further switch to turn the headlights on. He proceeds with the Standard configuration of the platform.

He opens the application directory and chooses the desired Platform. I can see an information window telling us that the application is being transferred per WiFi. The employee tells me that before MCG-WiFi and the End of Line Tool it was a much more tedious job. Additional cables and a CAN-Dongle were needed to connect to a lifter, due to the cables, to initialize the launch, you had to stand at a rolling table. He also tells me that it’s now a lot more convenient to transfer the application.

At one time, the available possibilities were technically limited and the Hydraulic fine tuning was time consuming. He tells me he was previously more prone to tripping over the numerous cables and asks, with a smile if we could invent wireless electricity for them too, so there would be no danger of tripping in the workplace. We both start laughing , the information that the application has been successfully transferred appears. I start thinking ,wireless electricity is not as far fetched as it sounds, proposals for an inexpensive solution for rechargeable batteries for E-Cars are due to be announced within the next few days. Previous solutions were expensive and therefore seldom used. With an inexpensive solution, the last cables could disappear from the launch area.

The Platform is now nearly ready for end testing. The last adjustments need to be made to the special configuration and the fine adjustments to the hydraulics.

The Employee calls his colleague in the Applications department and asks him to make the modifications for the special configuration to the light switch. After a brief consultation they both agree the application engineer will install the modifications via remote access.

In order for the application engineer to access the Platform, it is necessary that the MCG WiFi be carried out in ‘client’ mode. This is done through pressing the same button. We no longer have access to the Platform as the application engineer has taken over the steering via the MOBA internet platform. We can however, follow what is happening through the display on the MCP control panel. After a couple of minutes, the application engineer announces via telephone, that the special configuration has been successfully completed and we can now carry on with the launch. With just 2 clicks we are once again directly connected to the Platform. The employee accesses the settings in the end of line tool, where you can see a picture of the platform with all its sensors, controllers and the HMI. A green LED shines beside each component, which tells us that all the components are working and ready for use. With a contented smile, the employee climbs into the drivers cab and drives into the open for further tests. I follow him and watch as he parks the platform in an area marked Parameterization and shifts into auxiliary mode. The employee climbs out of the cab with the Laptop and a HMI console in hand and goes to the stabilizer controls at the rear. He extends the outriggers a few times and lets me know that the ramp speed in the Endstop could do with a little fine tuning. He opens his service computer and I can see the Heading Parameterization and the values for all the relevant Hydraulic components. He overwrites the Ramp values and sends the amended values straight to the Platform, just by pressing enter. A few seconds later, he extends the outriggers once again and you can see how elegantly the outriggers glide in the ramp. Contented, he leaves the support controls, grabs the HMI and within a matter of seconds, pairs this to the MCG WiFi .

We take the Laptop and the remote control, walk about 15m to a glass box and sit on the table inside. He takes the remote control in his hand and starts his Platform trials. He extends and retracts every single telescope and carries out numerous rotations with the Platform. He happily ticks the boxes on his checklist one after another, whilst making minor adjustments to the Hydraulics. He sends the data directly to the platform and tests the function once again. When he is finished, a pop-up window appears, informing the employee that the Parameterization has been completed successfully. After pressing the enter button, another notification appears, asking the user if all the correct sensors have been installed and the securing of the Parameterization can begin.

By confirming the read out, all the components serial numbers are automatically saved in the devices Product file. It’s an impressive sight, a task that used to take hours, being completed within a matter of seconds and without spelling mistakes.

After the serial number read out is finished, the read out of the parameter settings on the Platform is carried out and also automatically saved in the product file. Enthusiastically, the start up engineer tells me it’s a great help, in the past, saving special configurations was complicated and when in need of servicing, the special applications had to be installed on the controller by the manufacturer. Replacing a controller would take a few days.

Nowadays, the service technician just takes the controller from his storage and changes the controller on the Platform. The application can be installed anywhere in the world from the MOBA internet platform within minutes.

The transfer is completed a few seconds later, this is confirmed by a tick on the display


By the way: We are in the year 2021. Welcome to the future!

New safety standards for lifting application in North America. Which products are available?

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

New safety standards for lifting application in North America. Which products are available?

New standard in US and Canada – A92

In the beginning of February 2017, two new standards for safety relevant applications of aerial working platforms were established. Since this date, all manufacturers who intend to sell their machines in the United States and Canada have twelve months to implement the standard in all aerial work platforms manufactured since February 2017. Excluded from these standards are cranes and telescopic handlers because both machine types are different in comparison to aerial working platforms.

In the United States the standard is called A92, and it is managed by SAIA (a Secretariat of the ANSI). In Canada, this standard is known under the name CSA-B354. Both standards are similar to the European standard EN 280. In case of a safety-relevant system or feature all standards are refering to  EN ISO 13849-1 (established in 2009), formerly known as EN 954.

Measure of reliability of a safety function – the Performance Level (PL)

All three standards indicate how every machine must be designed, developed and manufactured to reach the right performance level (PL). The performance level is a measure of the reliability of a safety function or component. It indicates its safety on a scale from a (least PL) to e (highest PL) (please see the below picture). The higher the PL, the safer and more reliable the function is. The specified value of the performance level also has an impact on where a specific component may be used, since the PL must always be at least as high as the risk value at the point in question. 

Risk graph to determine the required performance level

To determine the required performance level (PL), a relatively simple diagram can be used, which is often referred to as a ‘risk graph’. It evaluates the risk for a given body based on three criteria:

  1. Kind of injury:
  • light injury
  • heavy injury

Frequency and length of stay (how often and how long a person is using the machine/component):

  • rarely until often
  • frequently to continuously

Possible to avoid the risk:

  • possible under certain conditions
  • hardly possible

The required performance level can then be determined by tracking the corresponding paths in the risk graph. After that you will get a certain performance level, which can be a, b, c, d or e. This is the PL that the affected function must reach at least.

Which products from the MOBA portfolio are available through this standard change?

In North America, the same MOBA products can be used as in Europe. This is the goal that MOBA wants to reach: ‚to establish highest and uniform safety standards all over the world‘. 

MOBA‘s load cellMRW, e.g., meets the requirements to EN ISO 13849-1, thereby reaching PL d, the second highest reliability level. One reason for this is that the load cell is built redundantly, i.e. the load cell is designed with a two-channel technology – both channels control each other. Independent from the position of the load inside the working platform, the actual weight is measured. If this weight exceeds the configured critical values, an alarm will be activated or a security switch will be opened. 

Additional to this MRW, MOBA integrates system solutions in aerial work platforms. The system integration consists of slope sensors, controllers in different sizes for the related application, wire rope sensors, operating modules in different variations, such as an operating panel in which a display and a controller is installed.

Further reading

Read also: https://mobacommunity.com/blogs/entry/Safety-Components-for-Mobile-Elevating-Work-Platforms


For further questions and information to our products don´t hesitate to contact us directly!

Aerial Working Platforms: Change of Emergency Stop on HMI

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

Aerial Working Platforms: Change of Emergency Stop on HMI

The most important button on every HMI is the emergency stop. The obvious reason is that once the emergency stop is hit, the machine stops and moves into a safe state. But when and how do you operate an emergency stop? An emergency stop is in general used when the operator realizes that there is an unsafe condition. Different operators may handle the emergency button in a different way. Some are more stressed that others about the situation and might hit the button very hard. Usually it is not a problem for most emergency stop buttons to handle such hard hits. When it comes to unlocking the emergency stop, the button can get damaged through wrong operation. Operators often turn the button to unlock instead of pulling it or vice versa. Through such mishandling, the emergency stop can get damaged or break off. The damaged emergency stop requires exchanging immediately so the aerial lift can keep operating properly. During the development of the HMImc concept, MOBA has put great emphasis on finding a solution for that problem. MOBA’s emergency stop cannot only be easily changed onsite, it can as well be changed on the emergency stop module AND on the 6 button module. Also, MOBA’s emergency stop buttons can be unlocked either by turning OR pulling which makes it less likely to break. For further information on our smart solutions for aerial working platforms, crane and lifters please contact us at sschlesies@moba.de

First interview on the television channel TV Norte (PERU)

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

First interview on the television channel TV Norte (PERU)

…And we have now reached the goal!

Below you can find the first interview of our client Geolaser and Moba (represented by me) on the television channel TV Norte, broadcasting in 7 major regions and covering more than half the agricultural area of this Latin American country.

As of now the next mission/target, which we have already begun to work on, is a TV and radio coverage, in a SHOW of equipment and solutions installed in machines, in the agricultural field, the so-called OPEN DAY, with complimentary food and beverages for the guests. Thus they can see, touch and test our technology, quality and trustworthiness. Furthermore, the first seeds released some time ago are giving their first fruits. What is more, with this type of advertising, we are focusing on harvesting much bigger outcomes. I will keep you up to date!

…Broadening the horizons, so the sky is the limit…

Pakistan PKM—4 section grader GS506 single laser leveling system

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

Pakistan PKM—4 section grader GS506 single laser leveling system

With the promotion of strategy of “One belt one road” Silk Road Economic Belt, infrastructure along the country is also developed, the construction of a highway network as economic ties are also carried out like a raging fire.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step”. The “base”, as the foundation of a highway, the quality of the base has been paid more and more attention by the highway construction unit and the supervision at all levels. This time, in the construction of Karachi Expressway in Peshawar, Pakistan, the seven branch of China Hydropower overseas branch broke the Convention, and introduced the automatic MOBA GS506 single laser leveling system, which abandoned the previous manual operation of grader.

The longitudinal and lateral gradient of the construction section are input into the laser emission source, and the position of the laser receiver is adjusted well. The manipulator will set the lateral gradient of the operation panel to be consistent with laser emission source, and do zero clearing of the laser sensor value on the operation panel. Then, measure the difference between blade and high-rise of design by leveling instrument and input the difference into the operation panel. Then it is up to manipulator to open the automatic switch and keep the grader move forward stablely.

Several large area construction tests were carried out during the service this time. TIME:26th Jan. 2018 PLACE:Pakistan PKM—4 setion 560+500——560+675 width 34M Lateral gradient 2.00% Longitudinal gradient:1.039%

After three hours of work, automatic leveling construction finished. According to the actual measurement of the surveyors, the lateral gradient is 2.10%, the longitudinal gradient is 1.049%, and the construction technology is fully met, and the error is within the millimeter level. The builders have a lot of praise. The constructors speak highly of it.


The Project Rail Baltica is more than just a railway in the Baltics!

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

The Project Rail Baltica is more than just a railway in the Baltics!


It’s hard to imagine that you travelled faster from Berlin to Riga 100 years ago than today. Back then the railway was a popular transportation road and the luxury train “North Express” would take you to Riga in only 16 hours.  

Today, the same way will take almost three times as much! With a train change in Minsk, Belarus, you will be on the move for a total of 43 hours! An additional burden for Western Europeans is the crossing of the border to Belarus with a time-consuming VISA check and customs regulation. 

The EU quickly realized this disadvantage for EU citizens when the Baltic States became a member of the European Union in 2004. This is the time when the major infrastructure project “Rail Baltica” was born:

Rail Baltica: Road of the Future   This fantastic project will finally connect the western part of Europe with the Baltic States and their airports and ports. It is thus embedded in the Trans-European Transport Corridor (EU TEN-t), which links the major European port cities of Rotterdam, Hamburg and Antwerp, through the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Poland to Helsinki. The network will further be connected to the railway in Russia and Asia, providing new opportunities for international transport.  

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Picture Credit: RB Rail AS; CC BY-SA 4.0

The construction phase is planned to start in 2019. The costs of an estimated 5,58 Mrd € will be covered by the European Union (85%) and the three Baltic States (15%). The reasons why the EU is funding this project are manifold but mostly because everyone in the EU from citizen to companies will profit from this connection.

Who will benefit from this Project:
Shorter and more flexible traveling times
Increased traveling safety
Cost savings
City to City, Center to Center traveling
Check-in times are less complicated compared to using the plane

General public:
Development of new industries and logistic centers and economic corridors
Better connection for business, holidays, cultural activities, studies, shopping, etc
New additional infrastructure like railway station, connection roads, city transportation

Railway companyies for freight and passenger:

Logistic Companies, Freight shippers:
Advantage for a combination of transportation by rail, road and sea
Duration time of transportation
Reduce noise and pollution
Road safety

Very important for the success of the project is the freight volume. Here, the analysts expect an output of 13.0 to 19.5 million t in 2030. By 2055, 16.0 to 25.2 million t are expected. About 57% of the traffic will be transit traffic.

Thermal Segregation and Leveling

Thermal Segregation and Leveling - Live Trial in Thailand

SDC International, ROADTEC, CCC Intertrade and MOBA AG participated on a road construction event in Surat Thani in the south of Thailand. A total of 140 visitors joint the event which was split into a theoretical introduction of construction solutions in the AM and a practical live pavement demonstration in the PM.
We presented the ROADTEC Shuttle Buggy “SB2500D” and the ROADTEC paver “RP195EX” equipped with MOBA’s PAVE IR system and MOBA’s state of the art leveling system Big Sonic Ski as well as a matching ski on the other side.
The setup was presented to a group of contractors, road authorities and other government bodies concerned with road construction.

Next to Pave IR and MOBA Big Sonic Ski, the paver was equipped with our MOBA material sensor which controls the outflow of material from the screed. Next to leveling equipment MOBA is the leading manufacturer of such material sensors.

How does the Shuttle buggy support the laying of the asphalt with the correct temperature?

The shuttle buggy solves the majority of the problems that arise connected to thermal segregation. The shuttle buggy acts like a mobile mixing plant that ensures that the material is transported through insolated chambers but also keeps moving which ensures homogenous temperature of the material. It also reduces the number of paver stops which subsequently lead to a smooth crossing from truck load to truck load keeping the temperature on a homogenous level. An animated video is showing this process:

PAVE IR supports the operator to not only understand the temperature dynamics of the paver but also monitors the temperature of the in- and out-flowing material. As for the inflow of material, that means that the operator can improve in coordinating the truck loads. A better coordinating of incoming truck loads means less risk of wasting material or jeopardizing temperature. As for the outflowing material – Pave IR supports the conduct of compactors to ensure material has been compacted within the suitable temperature range. Compacting material that is too hot can lead to pushing the asphalt sideways which will result in surface irregularities whereas compacting material that is too cold can lead to cracks within the material. Both issues decrease the quality and the duration of the new pavement of the road.

The PAVE IR results from the live performance are illustrated below:

This pictures shows the differences from using a Shuttle Buggy and not using a Shuttle Buggy. Section 1-2 is paved without ShuttleBuggy. As you can see there are many Paver stops (indicted in green). The blue circle indicate that Material temperature is distributed uneven. As you can see the material differences strongly corelate with the paver stops.

The second picture shows a range of 50 meters paved with shuttle buggy As you can see from the screenshot we were able to reach 99,5 % homogeneity. In terms of temperature distribution this is an excellent result.

Next to the challenge of Thermal segregation which was tackled with Pave IR and the Shuttle Buggy – MOBA displayed their state-of-the-art leveling system: The Big Sonic Ski.

As smoothness is one of the most recent focus in Thai road construction, the Big Sonic Ski is the answer for this request. While automatically operating the screed of the paver, the Big Sonic Ski works without an artificial reference. One can sense straight from the ground. The BSS uses a special algorithm to smoothen out the height differences that it senses from the surface and converts the measurements into a smooth result.

Working with the Big Sonic Ski results in time & costs savings, higher quality and subsequently leads to longer duration of the road.

A very special thanks to SDC International and Roadtec who organized this event.

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

The concept of ‘connectivity’ is going beyond laptops and smartphones as we see it moving towards smart cities, smart homes, smart retail, smart farming, connected cars, connected wearable devices and connected healthcare. In short a connected life.

The Internet of Things is a popular terminology these days, but unlike many technological fads, which have come and gone in the last years, the Internet of Things proves to be an important trend, which is having long lasting effects on the society. The term “Internet of Things” itself is used to mean a variety of ideas. The IoT cloud platform is primarily designed to store and process IoT data and forms the core of all IoT devices and IoT solution. The platform is built in a way that it enables taking in a huge amount of data generated by sensors, websites, applications and initiate actions for real-time responses and analytics.

For example, Smart Refrigerators can automatically order the run out items, similarly when you use Smart Locks, you do not need to have multiple keys for them, and you can unlock them by using smart phones. The platform can provide businesses with an extensive and integrated perspective of customers, without needing much technical expertise of a data analyst. The platform can intake lot of events each day and users can define rules that state events to act on and what actions to take. The demand for cloud enabled IoT services and solutions is rapidly increasing. A report by Zinnov Zones says India has about 43 per cent or $1.5 billion of the global $3.5 billion IoT market. Experts predicts that Indian IoT market will grow from $1.5 billion today to more than $9 billion by 2020 with over 2.7 billion connected devices and growing. Another Gartner report predicts, by ‘2020 the number of connected devices across all technologies will reach to about 20.6 billion’.

The real world IoT-Cloud platform application:

    1. Smart Home Automation

How would you feel if you could switch off lights after you left home/office or switch the AC on before reaching home? With IoT, taking shape there is introduction of a world where all the smart devices can be in constant connection with each other and are monitored by users remotely via voice commands or by a simple click. With the rapid growth of IoT, it is predicted Smart Homes will be as common as smart phones. It has also been predicted by Gil Press that more than two thirds of consumers plan to buy connected technology for their homes by 2019.

    2. Smart Wearable Technology

A detailed report by TechRepublic says in 2016, wearables were sold at a rate of 38 million and a large portion of them was fitness trackers and smart watches. These two classifications will make up a joint income of $4.9 billion. Wearable devices are installed with sensors and software is which collect data and information about the users. This data is later pre-processed to extract essential insights about the user. The pre-requisite from IoT technology for wearable applications is to be highly energy efficient, low power and small sized. The productivity of data processing achieved by various smart wrist wear, hearable, and smart glasses is getting closer to where wearables will bring exceptional value to our lives.

    3. Connected Vehicles

Gartner predicts that about 250,000,000 connected cars will be out on the roads by 2020. So, what really are connected cars? IoT engineers have come up with an industry solution for connected automobiles that gathers, analyzes, stores and takes action on vehicle sensor data. A connected vehicle is one, which is able to improve and analyze its own operation, maintenance as well as comfort of passengers using onboard sensors and internet connectivity. IoT for automobiles is a vehicle-to-cloud offering that enables awareness of the environment even beyond the vehicles and helps use information to establish a relationship with the driver as well.

     4. Industrial Internet

The IIoT (Industrial IoT) enables industrial engineering with sensors, software and big data analytics to build intelligent equipment. Smart machines are precise and consistent than humans in communicating data. In addition, this analytics on the generated data can help companies pick inabilities and problems fast. In the meanwhile, did you know that about 5.4 million IoT devices would be used on oil extraction sites by 2020 to provide environmental metrics about extraction sites?

    5. Smart Cities

IoT has the potential of solving major problems faced by the people living in cities like pollution, traffic congestion and shortage of energy supplies etc. IoT will empower cities to leverage their network to offer advanced smart city applications for citizens, new eco-sustainability initiatives and create first-hand opportunities for enterprise development.

    6. IoT in Agriculture

To help increase farm performance, IoT technology providers continue to develop IoT cloud based platforms that can sense, process and communicate precisely measured environmental data. Farms are becoming more connected as farmers realize the potential of IoT in helping them reduce cost while achieving improved results.

    7. Smart Retail

IoT Smart Retail enables stores to revolutionize customer service while saving time and money, while simultaneously providing the consumer with a seamless shopping experience. By installing this system, retailers are also able to recapture investment dollars while surpassing expectations for tech-savvy consumers. Some of the components included in Smart Retail are Power shelf, Beacons and Digital Price Tags.

    8. IoT for Healthcare

Research says IoT in healthcare will be enormous in coming years. It is aimed at enabling people to live healthier life by wearing connected devices. For example, through IoT, doctors can use GPS services and be prepared for treating patients being brought to the hospital in emergency cases.

    9. IoT in Telecom Industry

Global telecom operators now use IoT enabled digital platforms that are a combination of connectivity, analysis, security, mobile and cloud to support businesses. This is helping them reduce operating costs while enabling end-users to consume technology in a business-focused manner saving time and money.