MAWIS bitPAYT APP - MOBA's new citizen tool to enhance waste segregation and the first step towards a circular economy

In MOBA, we are constantly developing new products and projects where innovation and sustainability play a key role.

In this occasion, we are happy to announce the launching of our new APP for smartphones that promotes citizen participation in waste management of our cities. The application has been created as a tool to allow greater transparency and interaction of the citizen and businesses with the municipality in terms of waste management.

The new Mawis bitPAYT application promotes the circular economy at the municipal level, encouraging selective collection and recycling and giving support to systems that promote the introduction of pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) schemes.

More information coming soon.

Stay tuned.

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

The concept of ‘connectivity’ is going beyond laptops and smartphones as we see it moving towards smart cities, smart homes, smart retail, smart farming, connected cars, connected wearable devices and connected healthcare. In short a connected life.

The Internet of Things is a popular terminology these days, but unlike many technological fads, which have come and gone in the last years, the Internet of Things proves to be an important trend, which is having long lasting effects on the society. The term “Internet of Things” itself is used to mean a variety of ideas. The IoT cloud platform is primarily designed to store and process IoT data and forms the core of all IoT devices and IoT solution. The platform is built in a way that it enables taking in a huge amount of data generated by sensors, websites, applications and initiate actions for real-time responses and analytics.

For example, Smart Refrigerators can automatically order the run out items, similarly when you use Smart Locks, you do not need to have multiple keys for them, and you can unlock them by using smart phones. The platform can provide businesses with an extensive and integrated perspective of customers, without needing much technical expertise of a data analyst. The platform can intake lot of events each day and users can define rules that state events to act on and what actions to take. The demand for cloud enabled IoT services and solutions is rapidly increasing. A report by Zinnov Zones says India has about 43 per cent or $1.5 billion of the global $3.5 billion IoT market. Experts predicts that Indian IoT market will grow from $1.5 billion today to more than $9 billion by 2020 with over 2.7 billion connected devices and growing. Another Gartner report predicts, by ‘2020 the number of connected devices across all technologies will reach to about 20.6 billion’.

The real world IoT-Cloud platform application:

    1. Smart Home Automation

How would you feel if you could switch off lights after you left home/office or switch the AC on before reaching home? With IoT, taking shape there is introduction of a world where all the smart devices can be in constant connection with each other and are monitored by users remotely via voice commands or by a simple click. With the rapid growth of IoT, it is predicted Smart Homes will be as common as smart phones. It has also been predicted by Gil Press that more than two thirds of consumers plan to buy connected technology for their homes by 2019.

    2. Smart Wearable Technology

A detailed report by TechRepublic says in 2016, wearables were sold at a rate of 38 million and a large portion of them was fitness trackers and smart watches. These two classifications will make up a joint income of $4.9 billion. Wearable devices are installed with sensors and software is which collect data and information about the users. This data is later pre-processed to extract essential insights about the user. The pre-requisite from IoT technology for wearable applications is to be highly energy efficient, low power and small sized. The productivity of data processing achieved by various smart wrist wear, hearable, and smart glasses is getting closer to where wearables will bring exceptional value to our lives.

    3. Connected Vehicles

Gartner predicts that about 250,000,000 connected cars will be out on the roads by 2020. So, what really are connected cars? IoT engineers have come up with an industry solution for connected automobiles that gathers, analyzes, stores and takes action on vehicle sensor data. A connected vehicle is one, which is able to improve and analyze its own operation, maintenance as well as comfort of passengers using onboard sensors and internet connectivity. IoT for automobiles is a vehicle-to-cloud offering that enables awareness of the environment even beyond the vehicles and helps use information to establish a relationship with the driver as well.

     4. Industrial Internet

The IIoT (Industrial IoT) enables industrial engineering with sensors, software and big data analytics to build intelligent equipment. Smart machines are precise and consistent than humans in communicating data. In addition, this analytics on the generated data can help companies pick inabilities and problems fast. In the meanwhile, did you know that about 5.4 million IoT devices would be used on oil extraction sites by 2020 to provide environmental metrics about extraction sites?

    5. Smart Cities

IoT has the potential of solving major problems faced by the people living in cities like pollution, traffic congestion and shortage of energy supplies etc. IoT will empower cities to leverage their network to offer advanced smart city applications for citizens, new eco-sustainability initiatives and create first-hand opportunities for enterprise development.

    6. IoT in Agriculture

To help increase farm performance, IoT technology providers continue to develop IoT cloud based platforms that can sense, process and communicate precisely measured environmental data. Farms are becoming more connected as farmers realize the potential of IoT in helping them reduce cost while achieving improved results.

    7. Smart Retail

IoT Smart Retail enables stores to revolutionize customer service while saving time and money, while simultaneously providing the consumer with a seamless shopping experience. By installing this system, retailers are also able to recapture investment dollars while surpassing expectations for tech-savvy consumers. Some of the components included in Smart Retail are Power shelf, Beacons and Digital Price Tags.

    8. IoT for Healthcare

Research says IoT in healthcare will be enormous in coming years. It is aimed at enabling people to live healthier life by wearing connected devices. For example, through IoT, doctors can use GPS services and be prepared for treating patients being brought to the hospital in emergency cases.

    9. IoT in Telecom Industry

Global telecom operators now use IoT enabled digital platforms that are a combination of connectivity, analysis, security, mobile and cloud to support businesses. This is helping them reduce operating costs while enabling end-users to consume technology in a business-focused manner saving time and money.

Paving Artificially Intelligent, with Temperature Control, thickness, leveling and compaction

Paving Artificially Intelligent

with Temperature Control, thickness, leveling and compaction

The construction of roads does not depend more on the accumulated experience of the workers, be the workers on production of materials, on operations of machinery, be it the surveyors, almost of all those who are involved in a complete process of construction of a road.

“The technological evolution applied to the segment already allows us to obtain optimum performance even with a less experienced team”

New technologies with human machine interfaces (HMI), ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, satellite technology, artificial intelligence and telemetry are helping a lot in road works. In the past the operators guided the steps of the machines, “Today, the machines guide the steps of the operators”.
The futuristic and spooky portraits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that dominate movies and books and influence the collective imagination do not go beyond mere fiction. But, in the real world, AI is changing our daily lives, and overwhelmingly, through ways that improve human health, safety and productivity. Contrary to what we see in the cinema, there are no armies of robots with superhuman capabilities in the closest horizon, despite being many critics who faced a myriad of problems and threats led by this unprecedented evolution. And, despite the fact that the potential for an abusive use of AI technologies must be recognized, addressed and debated, along with numerous emerging ethical issues, their greatest potential lies, among a set of diverse fields, in making the driving of vehicles are safer, help children and adults to learn, to improve – and to extend – the quality of life of humans. Actually, the use of AI beneficial applications in schools, in our homes, in hospitals and in construction, is added at an accelerated pace: the large universities devote more and more time and resources to their study and technology and research companies , they are allocating resources and giant investments in their exploitation.
Between great hopes, fears and challenges or threats, the impact that AI will have in different areas of our existence is not science fiction. For good and for evil, but believing that it will be more for good, the rapid march of Artificial Intelligence has no return. The AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) have already arrived and are here to stay. Also, the Building Information Modeling (BIM), deals with how to use digital technology in the design, construction and management of assets for life. In this way, this model presents an organized and classified information on the cartography, the linear information for the tracing of roads and railways, the bridges, the structures and walls, the tunnels, the environment, the treatments of the land and the planning of work, as well as other services affected by water, electricity and gas. In addition, this organized system allows a more uniform, coherent, versatile and more comprehensible information.

Optimizing Road Infrastructure: The Life Cycle, BIM Methodology, and Enhanced Project Management

In the life cycle of a road infrastructure, it is necessary to highlight a series of stages beginning with the initial phase, which is also the shortest. Then follows the decision-making phase and work in the different disciplines. Likewise, all deliveries must be perfectly defined and the rules of implementation, well established. In all these stages it is necessary to have a database, feed it and adjust it, so that it is used by all the protagonists involved in the life cycle of the work. It is a project that becomes construction and ends in operation and maintenance. Then, we must also consider the uses of the BIM methodology in the different phases. In construction, we can talk about the use of the model, for a better-defined project, a reduction in costs due to better planning and the consistency of the model, the traceability of changes and the improvement of communication. The operation and maintenance phase stand out for the unification of the information and access to the real data of the state of each infrastructure project and its elements. In addition to the traceability in the decisions and the evolution of the state of the infrastructure, as well as the improvement in management.

Streamlining Road Management with BIM: Centralized Data and Collaborative Efficiency

A BIM System in Road Management consists of a software that puts at the disposal of the infrastructure manager all the necessary information, from the position and status of each inventory item or road, as all projects, files and activities associated, as well as any related information. A BIM system integrates all the information in a conveniently designed common space. Having all the centralized information and using it in all phases of any project allows us to optimize costs, manage information more effectively, and facilitate the emergence of relationships between modules and files, which ultimately facilitate the work of any manager. Likewise, a system of these characteristics allows the different actors involved in the conservation and operation of roads to work in a coordinated manner, from those responsible for public administration and workers of the concession companies, each of whom can access their information, but also sharing the resources that everyone needs.

In short, the BIM in linear infrastructures allows a greater control of the elements and a better reality seen in the initial phase, that of the project, to be later exposed in the final phases.

A good example of the use of this type of technology is the construction in China of intelligent highways based on 5G and AI. This intelligent 5G highway is for autonomous vehicles and traffic tracking based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), through a mobile operator. The urban-scale system under construction will be able to support transport services coordinated by the mobile network, such as intelligent toll stations that will be able to eliminate the current identifiers and human operators (porters). In addition, the operator also plans to collect traffic information in real time and make forecasts supported by Artificial Intelligence using the data, as well as offering support to autonomous vehicles.

New technologies existing in the market, in the construction and conservation of pavements

As a response or recommendation of existing technology in the market, to solve the problems referred to in the introduction, let’s talk about solutions for the monitoring and control of the temperature of the asphalt mass, the monitoring and control of thickness and leveling of the asphalt binder and of the monitoring and control of the compaction index of the asphalt layer in the different types of roller compactors. With the solutions detailed below, the prevention and improvement of the efficiency of the two most important factors in the life of a road are made, which are the segregation “figure 1” and the International Index of Roughness (IRI) “figure 2 and 3 “

Figure 1. Example of segregation

Figure 2. IRI scale

Figure 3. Example of an IRI> 3m / KM

Monitoring and control of the temperature of the asphalt mass

Smart paving with real-time thermal visualization for asphalt paving in the present and in the future, allows the optimization of processes and documentation in road construction.

The perfect temperature of the paving material is an extremely important factor in the construction of roads and determinant for the quality of the road. Therefore, the exhaustive thermal visualization of the paving process provides valuable information on the quality of the material and offers completely new optimization opportunities. The infrared (IR) scanner method is a system that creates a thermal profile of the roadway in a clear and simple way and also, in real time. The high-precision infrared temperature scanner creates an exhaustive thermal profile of the extended layer with a total width equal to the width of the asphalt paver and, if desired, can be used as proof of paging and supply temperatures. In this way, the fully automatic display of the temperature offers the possibility of quickly identifying the specific points that may be affected by the thermal segregation to react immediately.

Additional high-performance sensors can be positioned on the pavers where desired, further measuring the temperatures of the material right where the temperature plays a decisive role, whether in the bucket, in the lower layer or in the mixer. This multiple measurement provides numerous highly accurate data. In this way it is possible to know the temperature of the material supplied in real time and, if necessary, document it. Thus, the temperature differences of the paving material can be seen throughout the process, so that if necessary, it can be reacted immediately by taking the appropriate measures.

These technological solutions are an important element for the interconnected work of the future and contribute in a decisive way to the longevity of the road. Its development and its daily use in projects from all over the world are just one more proof that digitization 4.0 is already part of the daily routine of every project.

Characteristics and advantages of the solution - temperature measuring infrared

The unique infrared technology of the scanner offers the decisive advantage that it measures the temperature of the asphalt surface and the material with great precision. In addition, its measurement capacity of a width of up to 13 m makes it technically superior to the camera-based solutions available in the market.

The fundamental capacity of the solution is given by three functions: the highly accurate data recording with a cloud solution, its connection with open interfaces for the current asphalt and process logistics systems and a scalable reporting system in detail. With the automatic measurement of the temperature displayed in a human machine interface (HMI), self-explanatory temperature profiles show new possibilities for optimization and the best thing is that it does not involve extra work for the team in charge of the extended works. In addition to the exhaustive display and documentation of temperature measurements, the definitive advance is the fact that the system allows interconnection with the finisher, which is the “cornerstone” for the work of the future.

Characteristics of the solution:

Advantages of the solution:

Demonstration of a GS506 machine control system

Demonstration of a GS506 machine control system on a Case 856B Grader

The GS 506 machine control system enables the operator to accurately level and grade undergrounds with a variety of sensors.
The system offers free mobility in difficult terrain and increases efficiency and work speed. All stakeholders of the application are benefitting from using machine control as it saves time, costs (machine wear and tear, petrol) and supports the operator to perform accurate performance.
In the picture below, the GS506 is equipped on the CASE Grader 856B on a trial in Thailand.

The GS506 system processes the height & slope information from its sensors and automatically controls the blade of the machine to ensure most effective grading.

To show the benefit of the system – MOBA and CNH Thailand created 2 challenges for the demo of the system:

  1.  The first challenge involved the creation of a 2,5% slope simulating a standard road roof profile (where you allow water to run of the highway left and/or right).

For this task, the operator decided to use the MOBA LS3000 sensor in combination with an auto slope laser transmitter.

The laser beam of the transmitter is caught by the laser receiver for height reference. By the use of an electronic mast, the operator does not need to make any height adjustment of the laser manually but can control the process form inside the cabin.

    2. The second trial was based on a curve with the aim to create a slope of 4% with a stringline reference.

For this task, the operator decided to use the MOBA Sonic Ski to read directly from a stringline.
The Sonic Ski enables the driver to stay on the track and the slope sensors of the GS 506 system ensure that the correct slope is created.


Trial 1) With only two passes with the laser- the operator was able to create a slope of 2,6% – it’s merely impossible to manually work with such efficient and accuracy.

Trial 2) With only two passes with the Sonic Ski – the operator was able to create a slope of 3,8%- also in this case one can stipulate that manual grading can never be as accurate

Further passes would have led to absolute accuracy.
I would like to thank CNH Thailand for organizing this event in Thailand and I am looking forward to many more success stories.

Building a water storage Dam​

Building a water storage Dam

MOBA Australia (former MCE Lasers) has integrated an advanced 3D system with the MCE ECO- Grader GNSS system

Project Facts

The project is located in Nurrung Victoria Australia. The project demands approx 33,000 cubic meters of dirt cut out, another approx. 2,700 Cubic meters of dirt/clay fill brought in. The task was achieved with approx. 250 machine/ man hours. The whole are has been compacted to 98%.

The Customer “Corian Park” has already purchased 3 x MCE Eco-Grade GNSS systems in the past.

This system allows the customer to work with either Laser control or entry level GPS (meaning they can create a FLAT, SINGLE or DUAL slope plane easily using GPS for the height reference). The Customer also has a MOBA 3D-matic system which has been integrated by MOBA AUSTRALIA to work as an upgraded option to the Eco-Grade to allow the customer to upload 3D models when needed.

The Operator Drew Chislett is achieving accuracies within +/-7mm.
Please follow this link to see the actual video from the jobside:
Any questions on integrating your former (MCE) system with MOBA - let us know and we will support you.

MOBA Australia installing yet another Xsite system

MOBA Australia installing yet another Xsite system

MOBA Australia (former MCE) is continuously writing success stories.

WYNDHAM DRAINAGE PTY LTD chooses MOBA 2D Excavator system with future prospect of 3D upgrade.

With a total of 5 Excavators WYNDHAM DRAINAGE was looking to partner with a company that could work alongside them and deliver solutions and expert technical advice to lead them into the future. With excellent proven local support MOBA Australia is the right partner for this venture.

The customer like many was not ready for full 3D control so they wanted a system that was easily upgradable. The future ability to make 3D files them self on the jobsite without using third party surveyors for simple and complex V drains was one of the many reasons they looked at the MOBA solution.

MOBA AG offers the right solution for every stage YOUR business finds itself.

In terms of XSite Excavators system that means that you can easily upgrade from basic 2D to advanced 2D and/or to full 3D. Next to compatetive GNSS compass MOBA pursues with the most advanced and robust 6 axes among the industry.

Please find a link to our Excavator systems here :

Thank you, MOBA AUS & WYNDHAM DRAINAGE PTY LTD, for the feedback.

We wish you all the Best for the future.

Keep us posted!

Breakthrough of MOBA 3D in China

Breakthrough of MOBA 3D in China

Breakthrough of MOBA 3D in China
—-MOBA 3D-GNSS leveling system matches to Shantui bull dozer perfectly.

Over the years, the installation of automatic leveling system in bulldozers with full hydraulic quantitative pumps has always failed. The main reason is that the temperature of hydraulic oil of bulldozers is extremely high under the condition of automatic operation. The high temperature of the hydraulic system can cause the sealing parts of the hydraulic system to fail in a short time, and also cause the oxidation and deterioration of the hydraulic oil, and even cause the deformation and damage of some parts.

On 17th June, three engineers of MOBA Dalian successfully installed MOBA 3D-GNSS automatic leveling system on the bulldozer of Shantui full hydraulic pilot quantitative pump, and after a week’s testing, the system was finally successful.

Main content of the guide for the MOBA cloud connection:

– Common questions and tasks about cloud connection are listed in a general section.
– A definition of the cloud connection for the system or the component. For example, the selection of certain components is important for the later implementation of some requirements.

Cloud server:
– Lists questions and tasks related to server requirements.
– Definitions for IT-infrastructure, hosting, security, management.

Cloud project:
– Lists questions and tasks for installing a cloud project.
– Definitions for the specific application, for customer, partners involved, users. In addition, definitions for web interfaces, service interfaces and so on.
– Checklists help with the implementation.

Cloud gateway:
– Defines the specific requirements for cloud gateway or other system components regarding to the cloud connection.
– Cloud gateways could be:
– MOBA Cloud Gateway WiFi – as a SIM-free solution
– MOBA Cloud Gateway cellular network – SIM card
– MOBA Cloud Gateway cellular network – integrated SIM chip

Communications security:
– This section lists all points for the communications security.

SIM (Subscriber Identity Module):
– The requirements for the SIM are listed here.
– Management for all SIM related data

By integrating the handling of the cloud connection into the development process, a structured and uniform implementation of the requirements are guaranteed.

After long time testing (continuous working for more than 3 hours), the highest temperature of hydraulic oil is 59°C, and the leveling accuracy is controlled within 3 cm. Perfect test results, and MOBA 3D-GNSS automatic leveling system has been recognized by Shantui technicians and leaders.

Demonstration of Pave-IR on Sumitomo HA60W in Japan

Demonstration of Pave-IR on Sumitomo HA60W in Japan

JEMCO has yet performed another DEMO to Japanese Construction companies to show the advantage of the MOBA PAVE IR system.

The picture below shows the dramatic state of a rural street in Japan. As one can identify on the picture below, the street is covered in potholes and seems partially ripped open.

This can happen when asphalt is laid with temperatures differences throughout the profile of the street. If laid asphalt does not offer a homogeneous temperature profile it may be subject to damage by external aspects. Changes in wheater and related temperature rise and drop will damage the surface where temperature problems have occurred during the paving process.

Once Pave IR is installed and operating, it’s information can support the paving process by displaying and recording divers’ amount of information concerned with the machine, the material and the outside condition.

More detailed information about the display of information can be found in this article here:
The contractor does not only improve the paving process but enables his paving crew to work more efficient by delivery a better quality of the road. Research has proven that homogenous temperature profiles withstand thermal segregation and thus increase the longevity of a road.
Thank you JEMCO for another successful demonstration of PAVE IR in Japan

Big Sonic Ski Installation in Uruguay (Latin America)

Big Sonic Ski Installation in Uruguay (Latin America)

BSS Installation in Uruguay with our dealer KPN (Kapern Group), supported and trained by another dealer of Moba, our Argentine dealer, CAYSI SA.

"Many hands make light work" and "There’s no ‘I’ in ‘team’" or "United we stand, divided we fall" or "Union is strength"

It is my “thinking” on the business strategy that I am implementing in our distributor network in the Latin American region. Explaining it better, I am training good distributors, who in turn train others less experienced, creating healthy alliances, taking advantage of the same language (Spanish) and with minimal time zone differences, thus allowing response times to the customer to be reduced.

From Argentine to Cuba or Uruguay, from Colombia to Peru or to Guatemala, or from Mexico to Honduras, or from MOBA do Brazil to Colombia, …our dealers are creating friendships either by personally helping each other with this strategy or with the help of Facebook.. So we all win, we all feel like children of the same family (MOBA), offering the best quality of products, with the best support, at a lower cost and time to the end users.

KPN made the first installation of Big Sonic Ski in Uruguay (see pictures below), the jobsite was located in road Ruta 14 TRINIDAD city, the work was performed with the support of Mr. Julian Schvindt, a technical engineer of CAYSI. He made the installation and training of the BSS to KPN and to the operator of INCOCI. Was the first time that the crew of INCOCI worked with this kind of sophisticated technology on the paving machines. The feedback was very, very good.

It is easy make installations on machines that are already ready to connect our systems, but when it comes to machines that are not ready yet, we cannot tell the customer that their machine is unlike any others and we cannot install it!… Then we lose this customer and consequently others will lose without this feedback!… In this case, this Vogele SUPER 1303-2 paver, had no connectors so we couldn’t plug in our power cables.

But thanks to engineer Julian’s high technical knowledge, the solution was found, as you can see in the pictures above and he then plugged our cables directly into the machine’s electronic board, thus converting an unprepared machine into a machine like so many others with quick connections.

Happy customer, Loyal customer !!

After my visit and meeting some months ago with Mr. Antonio Villaluenga (Manager of KPN), the contractor INCOCI decided to try and reach the desired smoothness in this project, with the MOBA Big Sonic Ski with 4 sonics and 3 sonics.

We made many visits and meetings in the last years in construction companies, explaining and showing the benefits of our solutions. Now, they already understood that the smoothness is one of the most focus in road construction in other countries and the Big Sonic Ski is the answer for this specific request.

A good results in costs savings and time, higher quality and of course longer duration of the road, are the goal of the owners of the roads, and this it is possible only with investments in technology.

I hope INCOCI will install many other MOBA solutions in the other machines that they have in their machinery park.

Thank you CAYSI, KPN and INCOCI for your trust and positive feedback of our MOBA products!

The Structure of Telematics Systems

The Structure of Telematics Systems

The experts are at one: with telematics and GPS, an effective fleet management and a higher security level on construction sites is possible.

The term telematics means to transmit measured values to a physical distance to a recipient.

The technology behind telematics solutions consists of these main elements: A telematics control unit, mobile data communications, a server and a front-end web app.
There exist Server-Client based or internet based architectures. The first one, the server infrastructure is located at the clients. The advantage is that sensitive data is directly stored at the clients. But it means that a very costly IT infrastructure is necessary and needs to be maintained. The second solution, the server is maintained by a service supplier. The data that is stored in a cloud can be recalled via web browser or app and a personalized login. This is the most common solution as it is also affordable for smaller clients.
The Control Unit is the central hardware part of the telematics device. It communicates via interfaces with the machine’s CAN Bus and collects and transmits all important machine data like position, speed or diagnostics via wireless network like GPRS/GMS or LTE to the cloud server in form of data packets (MQTT messages). When the data reaches the server, it gets unpacked and stored in a database. A cloud based telematics server consists of a web server, an application server, and a database. The two servers are necessary for a smooth data exchange between database and front-end application. The user can at any time access the data stored in the database via a desktop or mobile app on a computer or a mobile device.
The data that is stored can be used for various different tasks, for example fleet management. The vehicle data delivers the necessary information for real-time tracking, driver monitoring, fuel optimization or tour planning. Also, services like maintenance can be improved with those data or to track stolen vehicles is possible.
But not only for industry telematics gets more and more important, also in the private use, telematics play a role, for example vehicle insurance companies offer telematics tariffs, that offer insurances that charge the customers according to the vehicle usage pattern.