Pave-IR [RU] – Thermal profiling in Russia

Pave-IR [RU] - Thermal profiling in Russia

Today I am proud to show some impressions of Thermal Profiling from Russia.
Here we are in Tatarstan, in Kazan to be more precise. One of the fastest growing places in Russia when we talk about road construction.

Prepared for the night job

Scanning in progress

One more time people were impressed by the helpful things you can get out of the data the system provides. Real data was analysed in a workshop one day later with all people involved. This is how things will work out on the long run. People that are interested in looking at new technologies to further improve processes.

Thermal training

Thanks to Vasily and his team at Korrus as well as the great crew in Kazan for this!

Why thickness measurement in road construction is essential for the quality of the road

Why thickness measurement in road construction is essential for the quality of the road

In road construction, there is an infinite number of pinwheels to make the process as perfect as possible. Everything has to be considered and taken into account, starting with the planning, the tendering process, the specification of machines and staff, the choice of material and of course the paving process. Looking at the process, I would like to go a little deeper into the different asphalt layers, because they have a significant impact on the resilience and many other characteristics that are often marginally mentioned.

The different asphalt layers and their tasks

First, I would like to give a short introduction into the different layers and their functions. Every layer is important for the reliability of the road.

i. Base course

The base course, as the name implies – along with the binder course – is the load carrying element of the road and gives the binder and top layer a consistent hold. Furthermore, the base course protects quickly and effectively from rainfall and other environmental conditions. Exposed traffic forces are removed and evenly distributed on the base. The layer thickness should be selected in such a way that the required compaction is achieved at each point of the street. Often, with base course thicknesses of more than 15cm, the layer is paved in two production steps

II. Binder course

The binder course ensures that shear stresses are absorbed and thus deformations in the road are prevented. Uneven surfaces remaining from the base course are further optimized in the binder installation, so that the perfect smoothness is achieved as soon as possible after the binder installation. The layer thicknesses stagger depending on the material and type of the road between 5cm – 12cm.

III. Top Layer

The top layer is the most heavily used layer of the road, because it is subject to the direct influence of traffic, weather and thawing agents. Thus, the top layer must be particularly resistant to wear and deformation. Durable evenness, grip, environmental friendliness and low noise are other properties required by the top layer. In addition, the layer must be designed with structures, textures, colors and shapes. The specified layer thicknesses can be very different, depending on the requirement and the type of material.
The classification of the road in its different asphalt layers and their components has an economic as well as a technical background. Every single layer has its own special task as described above. Its position, strength and material composition make it a part of the load-bearing capacity and resilience of the finished road. The individual layers are combined into a compact structure in order to fulfill the desired specification, which is essential for the durability of the entire construction. Not to be forgotten is the infrastructure aspect of every street, because the users of the road are also very interested in a stable road that meets the requirements.

How do unstable or even too low layer thicknesses affect the overall road?

1. Lifetime of the road

Unstable layer thicknesses prevent the individual layers from fulfilling their function. For example, if a road has changing thicknesses in the binder layer, it will absorb the resulting shear stresses better and worse. Early road damage is the result. However, if the binder course is made uniformly and consistently, the building structure will be evenly stressed and will be able to maintain its originally specified lifespan.
If there are irregular layer thicknesses in the top layer, premature road damage will be the result. Especially in the top layer you need to have a consistent layer thicknesses in order to avoid cracks or waves.
If you are able to have perfectly leveled layers, stable thicknesses can much easier be achieved. Good logistics, stable material temperatures, and constant paving speeds are some more prerequisites for a constant layer thicknesses in the paving process.
It gets more critical if the layer thicknesses are irregular across all layers. Critical points over the entire course of the road are the result. There will be spots where the road will take early damage and not reach the desired lifespan. In the following sketch you can see, even as a layman, that something is wrong. What is not critical in the base course, changes dramatically with the binder and even more in the top layer. If the binder course is irregular and even too thin in some places, it can no longer fulfill its task as a tension absorber. This problem gets even bigger in the base course, because in this case the problem becomes visible first. Cracks and holes are the result of too thin and irregular layers. The durability of the road decreases significantly.

2. Economic and infrastructure aspects

The economic aspect is especially important for the contractor because he has a great interest that the completed project achieves the quality to reach the specified and planned lifespan. The contractor will not have any warranty claims. Especially contractors, but also road owners and we as the tax-payers are interested in roads with high quality and a long lifespan. One particularly essential basis for this are constant layer thicknesses, which are paved exactly as required.
Furthermore, by working on the tolerance limits, the contractor gets the opportunity to save material and thus costs. If one considers that with a material price of 80.00 EUR per ton, a paving scope of 100km with an average screed width of 6m can result in a saving of 80,000.00 EUR for every saving of 0.1cm layer thickness, the cost savings for a year can easily be calculated.
Even if the guidelines and specifications all over the world vary: At some point the road construction project and thus the paving material has to be paid. At the end of the day, after each project, there are people using the street. No matter if it´s on two-wheeled vehicles, cars, trucks or others. Whether business or private purposes. We all have a great interest in traveling safe and relaxed but still quick to reach our destination.

Aerial Working Platforms: Change of Emergency Stop on HMI

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

Aerial Working Platforms: Change of Emergency Stop on HMI

The most important button on every HMI is the emergency stop. The obvious reason is that once the emergency stop is hit, the machine stops and moves into a safe state. But when and how do you operate an emergency stop? An emergency stop is in general used when the operator realizes that there is an unsafe condition. Different operators may handle the emergency button in a different way. Some are more stressed that others about the situation and might hit the button very hard. Usually it is not a problem for most emergency stop buttons to handle such hard hits. When it comes to unlocking the emergency stop, the button can get damaged through wrong operation. Operators often turn the button to unlock instead of pulling it or vice versa. Through such mishandling, the emergency stop can get damaged or break off. The damaged emergency stop requires exchanging immediately so the aerial lift can keep operating properly. During the development of the HMImc concept, MOBA has put great emphasis on finding a solution for that problem. MOBA’s emergency stop cannot only be easily changed onsite, it can as well be changed on the emergency stop module AND on the 6 button module. Also, MOBA’s emergency stop buttons can be unlocked either by turning OR pulling which makes it less likely to break. For further information on our smart solutions for aerial working platforms, crane and lifters please contact us at

Big Sonic Ski Installation in Jakarta

Big Sonic Ski Installation in Jakarta

BSS Installation in Jakarta with Vantage Commerce at night

MOBA had it's first Big Sonic Ski installation in Indonesia, Jakarta. The jobsite was located in central Jakarta and the work was performed at night time.
The challenge of the project was that the surface lacked the sufficient amount of smoothness. Hence the contractor decided to try and reach the desired smoothness with the MOBA Big Sonic Ski.
It is the first time the Indonesian crew works with a sophisticated machine control system for the paving works. The feedback was very good.
The operator just needed a couple of tips and a short introduction to the MOBA Matic system. Both Operator and project manger were impressed by the Efficiency and ease of use of the Big Sonic Ski.

As you can see on the picture below, we had a big crowd watching the installation process as well as the actual paving process.

Thank you All for your support!

After the project, we might be able to supply a direct comparison of two lanes -one with the support of MOBA Big Sonic Ski and one without.
I keep you up-to-date.
We would like to thank, both the contractor and our dealer Vantage Commerce for their trust and positive feedback of our MOBA products.

!Let’s pave Indonesien streets more smooth - also in the future!

Digital trends changing the construction industry

Digital trends changing the construction industry

Industry 4.0 – nowadays that is not only a description of a digital future, but also of today’s industry. It describes the interconnection and cooperation between humans, machines, tools, logistics, and products. This also applies to the construction industry and describes the cross-linking and meshing of machinery, vehicles, and devices, so that not only single steps, but the whole working chain and the whole construction site can be planned and realized digitally. The benefits are reducing cost, raising efficiency and precision, as well as facilitating everyday work.

1. Fleet Management

Fleet management for example is already present in many companies and on many sites. That means the positions of machines are known at all times and their operation can be planned precisely and coordinated so that machine operation times can be optimized. Also facts like routes, fuel consumption, or error codes can be checked with one click on the computer from any digital device. This also allows remote support and diagnostics.
All this is helpful for different purposes. For example, schedulers need the current position to organize transport, operation, and workload of machine fleets on different sites. Construction companies also use data for exacting payoff and other calculations. Also service intervals, like operation hours, can be precisely planned using digital information.

2. Cross-linked Machinery

Cross-linked machinery is already contributing to more efficiency, higher productivity, and savings on modern job sites. The latest trend is to use drones for surveying the job site and sending the data to a server. This data is used to build a three-dimensional digital terrain model (DTM). With the help of a DTM for example excavators can work exactly according to the plans.
Also first pilot projects for autonomous job sites have been started. For example: Caterpillar started its system “Command for Hauling” in 2012; an operator-free system for dumpers. In this project, until 2020, 45 dumpers are planned to be working autonomously and can respond to calls to the shovel, move into position, and haul to dump points without an operator on board.
Nevertheless, construction machinery manufacturers deny that operators shall be disposed of in the near future. They want digital solutions to help and support the operator and to enable him to achieve better results. One theme is supporting operators by augmented reality solutions, which means virtually expanded surrounding information. But also partly automated solutions will be playing a big role on future job sites.

This is the heading

3. IT Competencies

The nature of the jobs themselves will probably change a lot as operators will start to need a lot more competencies in IT. The simple driving and operating of machines will not be the main aspects any more, but the operation of guidance and control systems will get more and more important. Also service and maintenance will change a lot. Intelligent data analyses can indicate incidents before they lead to costly machine downtimes. Predictive maintenance will display when tools need to be changed because of wear and tear. So maintenance can be planned, timed, and coordinated to the job site. This is possible as sensors record oscillations of tools and this information is plugged into special algorithms to detect wear of tools over time. So companies can react before the machine breaks down, preventing downtime.
3D Printing will also change the markets. Spare parts could be made without long idle time. And just-in-time production also means the reduction of stocks and their costs. This is however, still in the fledgling stages and there will be probably brand new themes and methods that have yet to be imagined.

MCA 500 in Thailand

MCA 500 in Thailand

The corresponding project is located in the eastern part of Thailand, Chon Buri and is part of the Eastern Economic Corridor Investment plan. The earthworks concern the establishment of a future highway to connect Bangkok with Pattaya. Pattaya is one the most important tourist destination of Thailand and is the center of Chon Buri. The total length of the current construction project is about 10 km.

MCA 500 is used to determine the correct density of the base course. MCA 500 increases the effectiveness of the machine and process as well as overall compaction quality. The system saves on time, personnel, costs and machine wear. MCA 500 as a robust yet inexpensive system that fits any brand of compactor around the world.

The project includes the use of different brands of compactors – however no problem for MOBA as MOBA is adaptable to any compactor no matter the maker or model. Quick and simple installation. Below you may see the only MOBA sensor that you need to install for earthworks – the MOBA accelertation sensor. It monitors frequency and amplitude and with that generates a compaction value – the ICV (Intelligent Compaction Value).

Nevertheless, certain projects demand a little more than that. MOBA is proud to be one of the few players of the market that offer a sophisticated and high accurcy hang on system for compactors: The MCA 3000 offers full documentation and clearly structured visualization of the compaction progress in real time. The MCA 3000 saves all data as quality verification and sends data wireless to the office/server. One of the main features of MCA 3000 is that it allows communication between multiple rollers.

Please find more information following this link:

Thank you for reading

Job Story – Big Sonic Ski 4 Sensors

Job Story - Big Sonic Ski 4 Sensors

On April 2, 2018, the technical team of MOBA TECMASERM carried out the installation of a new Big Sonic Ski 4 Sensors system.

On this occasion, it was carried out in a Vögele Super 1900-3i paver, leaving the system fully integrated and working perfectly thanks to its universal installation in any type and brand of paver.

The project consisted of the conditioning and improvement of accesses to the CM-420 road in the town of Alcázar de San Juan from Manzanares in its section from pk.12 to pk. 23. This Work belongs to the Board of Communities of Castilla La Mancha being the contractor Alvac S.A. (Pavalco), which relied again on the MOBA systems to carry out the execution of this important project.

Undoubtedly, the project was a new opportunity for the Big Sonic Ski 4 Sensors system to display all its qualities, since we were facing a section with great irregularities in the surface, and in which thanks to its extension of up to 13 meters and its four sensors optimized the accuracy of the results and a better verifiable planimetry was achieved during the asphalting. The installation of four sensors was fundamental since thanks to this irregularities were detected that appeared at a regular distance of five to seven meters and that can not be detected by fewer sensors.

At MOBA we are aware of the virtues and great advantages of our systems, but also that without companies with great professionals and committed to the application of good practices in asphalt, it would not be possible to carry out the work. For this reason we must highlight the enormous professionalism and commitment with the good work that the workers and personnel of the company Alvac S.A (Pavalco) showed throughout the execution of the work.

First interview on the television channel TV Norte (PERU)

How would Smart IoT shape our lives in the future?

First interview on the television channel TV Norte (PERU)

…And we have now reached the goal!

Below you can find the first interview of our client Geolaser and Moba (represented by me) on the television channel TV Norte, broadcasting in 7 major regions and covering more than half the agricultural area of this Latin American country.

As of now the next mission/target, which we have already begun to work on, is a TV and radio coverage, in a SHOW of equipment and solutions installed in machines, in the agricultural field, the so-called OPEN DAY, with complimentary food and beverages for the guests. Thus they can see, touch and test our technology, quality and trustworthiness. Furthermore, the first seeds released some time ago are giving their first fruits. What is more, with this type of advertising, we are focusing on harvesting much bigger outcomes. I will keep you up to date!

…Broadening the horizons, so the sky is the limit…

MOBA 3D-matic to improve the quality of construction in China

Insulation of the MRW
100% testing - because safe is safe

Jiqing highway is 318 kilometers long. It is now the busiest highway in Shandong province of China. Traffic pressure is large, traffic jam often happens and sometimes even for two or three hours. The current two-way four lane cannot meet the needs. The construction is to expand and upgrade the Jiqing highway, and will be the first highway from two-way 4 Lane to two-way 8 Lane in Shandong, also the only highway with the longest rebuilt mileage and maintain a two-way traffic.
30th March, 2018
Mr. Jiwei Sun, the head of the Jinan Tongda Highway Engineering Co., Ltd., said, “the grader 3D GNSS automatic control system improved our efficiency. With this system, we can upgrade our existing construction technology, remove the traditional construction methods such as pile driving, dense points and so on, improve the quality of construction, which can also save the labor intensity of our surveyors and save time and money” when he summed up the changes brought by MOBA 3D-matic technical advantages to their company.
What customer uses is MOBA 3D-matic GNSSS system, which measures and records the height and position of the blade by GNSS antenna fixed on the mast with high precision and then compares the measured data to design drawings in the operation panel and transfers the difference after comparison to GS506 system to control the blade of grader.
After using MOBA 3D-matic in the construction, the customers’ on-site surveyors survey the site, and tolerance is 1.5cm, which is able to meet the construction requirements of customers. Whatever is the working condition and road surface, curved surface, plane and slope are all formed once.
Thanks to the German 3D Product Manager Jörg Schittenhelm, under his on-site guidance, MOBA Dalian engineers overcome a lot of difficulties and finally succeeded in testing and lay a solid foundation for MOBA 3D-matic to enter the Chinese market

MOBA GS506 Double Laser Leveling System

MOBA GS506 Double Laser Leveling System

End-user: Shandong Juancheng Highway Bureau Tongda Luqiao Engineering Company

Site address:Heze Shandong

In response to the transformation of national shanty towns and old urban areas, Shandong Juancheng Highway Bureau Tongda Luqiao Engineering Company improved the old subgrade construction mode and introduced MOBA GS506 double laser leveling system during the construction process. And become the leader of digital construction.

The length of the experimental section is 100 meters, the transverse gradient is 1.5%, and the longitudinal gradient is 0.219%. The grader driver actually only has 3 months’ driving experience and completely meet the construction requirements with the use of GS506 leveling system.