It’s all about Quality – also in After Sales

It’s all about Quality – also in After Sales

Quality – that is what our whole industry aims at. And not only producing companies, but also service companies are focused on high quality as customers pay more and more attention to get high quality products and services. And of course that also counts for after sales because a successful post-sale means satisfied customers. And satisfied customers are loyal customers who also recommend a product or a company to others.

The service quality in after sales involves three main items:
For the first item, service environment, the location, buildings, and things like opening times are important from a customer’s view.

MOBA Headquarters

The service process means the reliability, for example to stick to appointments, and the precision of a job execution. Staff, the third item, should be competent and attentive. Whenever a company wants to improve it’s after sales quality, all three items should be checked. The second item, service processes, offers highest potential for improving service quality. In most cases these can be optimized. First, all single steps and processes have to be documented to get a detailed overview of the whole service and support processes. Quality standards have to be defined and have to be abided by.
Potential for optimization applies to the whole process: from diagnostic up to repair. Mainly customers criticize a lack of transparent processing. So a dialogue oriented diagnosis could help to involve the customer better. The handling and organization should work efficiently and trouble-free. Repair times, staff, availability of spare parts and tools for example, have to be coordinated by a resource planning system. Also the tools have to be thoroughly chosen and regularly checked.
Another important opportunity is to use innovative solutions like online diagnostics or remote support, as well as the online availability of all data, so that each staff member can always access all actual data and information.

First-class service directly on the construction site

Also the follow up offers potential optimization: For example, service staff that explains the invoice, a complaint management system, and a fast processing of reclamations.
Service marketing also has potential for professional improvement. Contacts to existing customers are often uncoordinated and flexible appointments are not possible. But that is exactly what customers wish – flexible appointments, fast handling and personal, individual contacts. This can often be improved by implementing a CRM system with a detailed customer database. Also a service hotline and thorough resource planning can improve service.
If you look at point three, service staff, it is important to offer them technical training to secure and upgrade their expertise and qualifications. But communication training is equally important to professionalize all processes and customer contacts from the first contact or appointment up to the handover.
So in the end, a perfect interaction of all three items is important to achieve a higher quality post-sales standard which is very essential in winning over customers.

Machine Safety – Crucial for Mobile Automation

Machine Safety – Crucial for Mobile Automation

Machine Safety is the primary concern when a machine is partially or fully automated. The demand for safety especially counts for mobile machines because people are directly working on and with these machines. One example is the crane and lifter market. It becomes more and more crucial to correspond to strict rules with any machine, as human lives may be in danger if a machine fails.

In Europe, EN ISO 13849-1 is the corresponding norm for machine safety, precisely describing the requirements for the design and integration of safety-related parts of control systems using programmable electronic systems. So it is a measure of the reliability of safety-related functions.The norm was released in 2007, when it replaced norm EN 954-1 and the latest review of EN ISO 13849-1 was in 2015.

It refers to the system architecture and analyses the reliability of hardware as well as software routines of the system. It applies to safety-related parts of control systems for machines, no matter what technology and energy are used (electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, etc.). According to this standard, different PL (Performance Levels) represent the functional safety category. There are two different types of performance levels:
The performance level required (PLr) and the achieved performance level (PL). The first one is determined by estimating the criteria severity of injury, frequency and exposure to hazard and the possibility of avoiding the hazard. There are two categories of the severity of injury: S1 and S2. S1 stands for slight injuries, S2 for severe injuries and death.
The frequency and/or exposure to hazard is also categorized: F1 stands for seldom to less often and/or short exposure time, while F2 stands for frequent to continuous and/or long exposure time. P1 and P2 are the categories for the possibility of avoiding a hazard or limiting harm. P1 means that it is possible under specific conditions, while P2 means it is scarcely possible. The achieved performance level (PL) is not dependent on the hazard situation, but on the construction of the control system or the safety components.
You have five different categories, from PLa up to PLe, which is the highest level. The PL level is determined by various parameters: Safety category, MTTFd, DC and CCF.The first parameter is the Safety Category of the system, depending on the architecture and the behavior in error. The different levels are B, 1, 2, 3, 4. This is the primary parameter and states the action of the control system or the safety-related parts of it in case of a fault.
Another criterion is Mean Time to Dangerous Failure (MTTFd) of the safety-related system or parts of it. The three levels are high (30 to 100 years), middle (10 to 30 years) and low (3 to 10 years). The Diagnostic Coverage (DC) degree of the system is the third parameter. It is a measure of the effectiveness of the diagnostics. The four different levels are high (≥99%), middle (90-99%), low (60-90%) not existent (<60%).
And the Common Cause Failures (CCF), which describes the reliability of the whole safety-related system in terms of common cause failures. It is differentiated into ≥65 points and when the achieved PL has been determined, it has to be checked if it matches to the PLr. That means PL must be higher or equal to PLr, otherwise the control system/ machine is not allowed to work.

MOBA Drilling 3D System installed in Germany

MOBA Drilling 3D System installed in Germany

We are proud to announce that we have successfully installed the first MOBA XSite APP drilling system. This system is a combination of MDS 2000 (2D) and Xsite APP (3D).A random position has been recorded on Test Day 1 and saved to the System. The position has been recovered on Test Day 2 with no problem. The MOBA development and end customer are very satisfied with the result.


The team chose a random starting point with the drilling machine and marked this point in the system and on the actual ground. To test the system abilities, the machine and all moving parts had to alter their position. On day two, the team was able to only use XSite APP to find the same point on the ground with only minimal and acceptable deviation.

The picture below shows Mister Hiltenkamp (product manager of MOBA Drilling) and Ville Junno (Service manager from NOVATRON) after the successful installation.

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Currently MOBA is one of only few manufacturer that offer a 3D Drilling system where the antennas are not suited on the drill head but on the back of the machine. This way, the hazard of damage and accuracy problem due to vibration are reduced to a minimum. In addition, the GPS signal is accurate even if the drill bit is tilted.

We are proud to announce that any customer with existing MOBA MDS 2000 system can updgarde to Xsite APP with no issues. Again, MOBA has managed to introduce another system that works with just 2D but is easily upgradable to 3D. Please see below a first screenshot of the XSite App:

3,102m of MRWs in a pile

3,102m of MRWs in a pile

Until the end of 2016, MOBA sold 23.867 MRWs. This would make a pile, which is even higher than the highest mountain in Germany, the Zugspitze. Numbers are rising. The Moment compensating Redundant Weigh Cell thus is the most successful load limitation solution for aerial boom lifters.
MOBA offers the MRW now for more than 15 years. It has thus reached a very high process stability in production.

To find out more about the MRW, its application and reliability, don’t forget to check out the following articles:

3,102m of MRWs in a pile

By the end of 2016, MOBA had sold 23,867 MRWs—enough to surpass the height of Germany’s highest mountain, the Zugspitze. As the most successful load limitation solution for aerial boom lifters, the MRW has demonstrated over 15 years of proven reliability and production stability, with demand continuing to grow.

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