Breakthrough of MOBA 3D in China

Breakthrough of MOBA 3D in China

Breakthrough of MOBA 3D in China
—-MOBA 3D-GNSS leveling system matches to Shantui bull dozer perfectly.

Over the years, the installation of automatic leveling system in bulldozers with full hydraulic quantitative pumps has always failed. The main reason is that the temperature of hydraulic oil of bulldozers is extremely high under the condition of automatic operation. The high temperature of the hydraulic system can cause the sealing parts of the hydraulic system to fail in a short time, and also cause the oxidation and deterioration of the hydraulic oil, and even cause the deformation and damage of some parts.

On 17th June, three engineers of MOBA Dalian successfully installed MOBA 3D-GNSS automatic leveling system on the bulldozer of Shantui full hydraulic pilot quantitative pump, and after a week’s testing, the system was finally successful.

Main content of the guide for the MOBA cloud connection:

– Common questions and tasks about cloud connection are listed in a general section.
– A definition of the cloud connection for the system or the component. For example, the selection of certain components is important for the later implementation of some requirements.

Cloud server:
– Lists questions and tasks related to server requirements.
– Definitions for IT-infrastructure, hosting, security, management.

Cloud project:
– Lists questions and tasks for installing a cloud project.
– Definitions for the specific application, for customer, partners involved, users. In addition, definitions for web interfaces, service interfaces and so on.
– Checklists help with the implementation.

Cloud gateway:
– Defines the specific requirements for cloud gateway or other system components regarding to the cloud connection.
– Cloud gateways could be:
– MOBA Cloud Gateway WiFi – as a SIM-free solution
– MOBA Cloud Gateway cellular network – SIM card
– MOBA Cloud Gateway cellular network – integrated SIM chip

Communications security:
– This section lists all points for the communications security.

SIM (Subscriber Identity Module):
– The requirements for the SIM are listed here.
– Management for all SIM related data

By integrating the handling of the cloud connection into the development process, a structured and uniform implementation of the requirements are guaranteed.

After long time testing (continuous working for more than 3 hours), the highest temperature of hydraulic oil is 59°C, and the leveling accuracy is controlled within 3 cm. Perfect test results, and MOBA 3D-GNSS automatic leveling system has been recognized by Shantui technicians and leaders.