Big Sonic Ski Installation in Jakarta
BSS Installation in Jakarta with Vantage Commerce at night
MOBA had it's first Big Sonic Ski installation in Indonesia, Jakarta. The jobsite was located in central Jakarta and the work was performed at night time.
The challenge of the project was that the surface lacked the sufficient amount of smoothness. Hence the contractor decided to try and reach the desired smoothness with the MOBA Big Sonic Ski.
It is the first time the Indonesian crew works with a sophisticated machine control system for the paving works. The feedback was very good.
The operator just needed a couple of tips and a short introduction to the MOBA Matic system. Both Operator and project manger were impressed by the Efficiency and ease of use of the Big Sonic Ski.
As you can see on the picture below, we had a big crowd watching the installation process as well as the actual paving process.
Thank you All for your support!
After the project, we might be able to supply a direct comparison of two lanes -one with the support of MOBA Big Sonic Ski and one without.
I keep you up-to-date.
We would like to thank, both the contractor and our dealer Vantage Commerce for their trust and positive feedback of our MOBA products.
!Let’s pave Indonesien streets more smooth - also in the future!