Big Sonic Ski Installation in Jakarta

Big Sonic Ski Installation in Jakarta

BSS Installation in Jakarta with Vantage Commerce at night

MOBA had it's first Big Sonic Ski installation in Indonesia, Jakarta. The jobsite was located in central Jakarta and the work was performed at night time.
The challenge of the project was that the surface lacked the sufficient amount of smoothness. Hence the contractor decided to try and reach the desired smoothness with the MOBA Big Sonic Ski.
It is the first time the Indonesian crew works with a sophisticated machine control system for the paving works. The feedback was very good.
The operator just needed a couple of tips and a short introduction to the MOBA Matic system. Both Operator and project manger were impressed by the Efficiency and ease of use of the Big Sonic Ski.

As you can see on the picture below, we had a big crowd watching the installation process as well as the actual paving process.

Thank you All for your support!

After the project, we might be able to supply a direct comparison of two lanes -one with the support of MOBA Big Sonic Ski and one without.
I keep you up-to-date.
We would like to thank, both the contractor and our dealer Vantage Commerce for their trust and positive feedback of our MOBA products.

!Let’s pave Indonesien streets more smooth - also in the future!

Digital trends changing the construction industry

Digital trends changing the construction industry

Industry 4.0 – nowadays that is not only a description of a digital future, but also of today’s industry. It describes the interconnection and cooperation between humans, machines, tools, logistics, and products. This also applies to the construction industry and describes the cross-linking and meshing of machinery, vehicles, and devices, so that not only single steps, but the whole working chain and the whole construction site can be planned and realized digitally. The benefits are reducing cost, raising efficiency and precision, as well as facilitating everyday work.

1. Fleet Management

Fleet management for example is already present in many companies and on many sites. That means the positions of machines are known at all times and their operation can be planned precisely and coordinated so that machine operation times can be optimized. Also facts like routes, fuel consumption, or error codes can be checked with one click on the computer from any digital device. This also allows remote support and diagnostics.
All this is helpful for different purposes. For example, schedulers need the current position to organize transport, operation, and workload of machine fleets on different sites. Construction companies also use data for exacting payoff and other calculations. Also service intervals, like operation hours, can be precisely planned using digital information.

2. Cross-linked Machinery

Cross-linked machinery is already contributing to more efficiency, higher productivity, and savings on modern job sites. The latest trend is to use drones for surveying the job site and sending the data to a server. This data is used to build a three-dimensional digital terrain model (DTM). With the help of a DTM for example excavators can work exactly according to the plans.
Also first pilot projects for autonomous job sites have been started. For example: Caterpillar started its system “Command for Hauling” in 2012; an operator-free system for dumpers. In this project, until 2020, 45 dumpers are planned to be working autonomously and can respond to calls to the shovel, move into position, and haul to dump points without an operator on board.
Nevertheless, construction machinery manufacturers deny that operators shall be disposed of in the near future. They want digital solutions to help and support the operator and to enable him to achieve better results. One theme is supporting operators by augmented reality solutions, which means virtually expanded surrounding information. But also partly automated solutions will be playing a big role on future job sites.

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3. IT Competencies

The nature of the jobs themselves will probably change a lot as operators will start to need a lot more competencies in IT. The simple driving and operating of machines will not be the main aspects any more, but the operation of guidance and control systems will get more and more important. Also service and maintenance will change a lot. Intelligent data analyses can indicate incidents before they lead to costly machine downtimes. Predictive maintenance will display when tools need to be changed because of wear and tear. So maintenance can be planned, timed, and coordinated to the job site. This is possible as sensors record oscillations of tools and this information is plugged into special algorithms to detect wear of tools over time. So companies can react before the machine breaks down, preventing downtime.
3D Printing will also change the markets. Spare parts could be made without long idle time. And just-in-time production also means the reduction of stocks and their costs. This is however, still in the fledgling stages and there will be probably brand new themes and methods that have yet to be imagined.

From 2D to 3D – a Grader recieves an effective upgrade

From 2D to 3D – a Grader recieves an effective upgrade

The end customer GW & BR Crameri Pty Ltd. has been in operation since June 1988. The company operates as an independent company, specializing in earthmoving and bitumen sealing specialist in rural Victoria, Australia.

GW & BR Crameri came to the MCE LASERS DEMO DAYS in 2014

( and saw the benefit in the MOBA GS.506 Grader solution. The customer immediately placed an order and used the system since.

In 2018 the company was awarded a rural contract that required GPS technology, as the MOBA GS.506 is fully upgradeable the company added necessary items to the Grader (MOBA 3D matic) and within short time they were working off the surveyor supplied model.

Machine operator Scott Crameri says:

“He can’t believe how accurate the system is, the whole system and workflow is seamless and works great”

Please find detailed info for both systems by clicking the link below.

The Priority of Kazakh Policy is Road Construction​

The Priority of Kazakh Policy is Road Construction

Anyone who travels in Kazakhstan needs a SUV in many regions. The government spent a lot of money for the rehabilitation in recent years. But still one third of the roads are worn and have a lot of road holes ore are only made from gravel or mud. Most of the local or regional roads are rough. The national roads are in a better shape and the road network is growing with the current project.

The main road projects of the Strategic Kazakhstan plan “Nurly Zhol” include the new route in the Western European- West China corridor, the Center West corridor, the Center East corridor, and the North -South corridor.
The overview and the map of all routes, you can find on the web page:
My special thanks to the team that taught me a lot!
From left to right: Me, Julián, the safety technician, Mauricio and Gabriel

Road Corridor Western Europe – West China:

A very big road project from Korgos at the border of China via Almaty, Shymkent, Kyzylorda and Aktobe to Orenburg in Russia has been completed. According to the Ministry of transportation the 2,800km long route is now almost completed and open for traffic on Kazakh territory.
Only the 96km long route between Uzynagash and Otar and the 80km long route around Korday will be ready next year in 2019. On the territory of China, the road is already finish since 2011 along a 3,425km long streak.

Road Corridor Center West:

In the center west corridor, you’ll find the route from Astana via Arkalyk, Torgay, Irgis, Shalkar to Kondyagash. There is the connection to the route Aktöbe via Atyran to Astachen in Russia. After the construction of the missing sections, the journey from Astana to Aktobe is now 7 hours faster than before. It is planned to upgrade the route to Category 2 until 2021. The World Bank has approved a loan of just under $ 1 billion for the construction of the routes between Astana and Shalkar on 9 June 2016.

Road Corridor Center East:

In Kazakhstan, there is currently another major project running with an approximately 1,018km long route in the corridor Center East. The existing roads will be upgraded to category 1 and 2 standards by 2020. The traffic of the section between Astana to Pavlodar is more than 10,000 vehicles per day. The longest bridge in Central Asia between Aksu and Pavlodar over the Irtysh was finished after more than three years of construction in December 2016.

Road Corridor North-South:

In this Corridor there are a lot of open road projects. The approximately 1,288 km long route north-south runs from the capital Astana via Karagandy and Balkhash to Almaty. Individual sections are already built. The entire corridor should be completed by 2021 according to government information and correspond to category 1. With a total of 10,000 cars per day, the road is one of Kazakhstan's main transport routes. In perspective, an increase to 15,000 vehicles per day is expected. The EBRD and the World Bank are supporting the extension of the 228 km section from Kurty to Burylbytal. For the route Merke-Burylbaital (266 km, $ 298 million), according to government funding by the Exim Bank of China is provided. The AIIB could also contribute to the expansion. According to their own information, they are considering participating in the four-lane extension of the 660 km stretch from Karagandy to Burylbytal. However, the completion is not announced until the end of 2023.

BIG SONIC SKI in Colombia

BIG SONIC SKI in Colombia

In May 2016, when I get started in MOBA do Brasil, my first task was to learn about BIG SONIC SKI (BSS). First, I read the manuals and simulate its operation in laboratory, and after, for my surprise, I was sent to Medellín city in Colombia to see this system working on a Conasfaltos S.A. job site.

It was a week that I’ve learned a lot, because I could see the BSS installation and operation, and not only that, I could also understand the paving work, since the material production until the final application.

My special thanks to the team that taught me a lot!
From left to right: Me, Julián, the safety technician, Mauricio and Gabriel

Data Security – A critical element for automated construction machinery

Data Security – A critical element for automated construction machinery

Data security is a topic that affects all of us, in our private lives as well as in everyday working life.


Of course, it also plays a big role in all industry sectors where data is generated, collected and processed.

For example, the automobile industry is heavily impacted by it as the development of automated and interconnected driving is making big advance. And that means huge amounts of data are generated. This leads to the obligation that the data of each single person, but also the data of the whole traffic system requires protection against abuse and hacker attacks. On the other hand, using that data intelligently offers a big value-added potential.
Source: MOBA AG

This also applies to the data collected from automated construction machinery. As a survey of Bitkom and VdTÜV in Germany found out, the majority of the people interviewed stated, that the data generated from construction machines should only be accessible to the driver and the machine owner. The reason is that they fear technical errors and hacker attacks to the machinery. 83% of the respondents said that it is important to know which data exactly is collected and who works with it (93%).  95% pointed out that the data security is the most important aspect and that the systems should regularly be checked regarding data protection and data safety.

Yet the interconnection and automation of construction machinery and equipment is essential and indispensable in today’s 4.0 industry. It is not only important to be up to date, but especially it offers the possibility to increased efficiency and a high working precision. With interconnected machines and equipment, the whole construction chain can be improved, errors and bottlenecks can be prevented.

Therefore, the challenge for construction machine manufacturers and construction companies is to use these positive effects but also to protect themselves and their customers from the risks that data generation and data exchange offers.
With more and more data and internet based working, the risks and security demands rise. Companies must react and protect their data to prevent potential damages caused by data loss or hacker attacks.
So called “industry data spaces” already offer a possibility for safe data exchange with end-to-end encryption and flexible assignment of rights.

Building a water storage Dam​

Building a water storage Dam

MOBA Australia (former MCE Lasers) has integrated an advanced 3D system with the MCE ECO- Grader GNSS system

Project Facts

The project is located in Nurrung Victoria Australia. The project demands approx 33,000 cubic meters of dirt cut out, another approx. 2,700 Cubic meters of dirt/clay fill brought in. The task was achieved with approx. 250 machine/ man hours. The whole are has been compacted to 98%.

The Customer “Corian Park” has already purchased 3 x MCE Eco-Grade GNSS systems in the past.

This system allows the customer to work with either Laser control or entry level GPS (meaning they can create a FLAT, SINGLE or DUAL slope plane easily using GPS for the height reference). The Customer also has a MOBA 3D-matic system which has been integrated by MOBA AUSTRALIA to work as an upgraded option to the Eco-Grade to allow the customer to upload 3D models when needed.

The Operator Drew Chislett is achieving accuracies within +/-7mm.
Please follow this link to see the actual video from the jobside:
Any questions on integrating your former (MCE) system with MOBA - let us know and we will support you.

Demonstration of Pave-IR on Sumitomo HA60W in Japan

Demonstration of Pave-IR on Sumitomo HA60W in Japan

JEMCO has yet performed another DEMO to Japanese Construction companies to show the advantage of the MOBA PAVE IR system.

The picture below shows the dramatic state of a rural street in Japan. As one can identify on the picture below, the street is covered in potholes and seems partially ripped open.

This can happen when asphalt is laid with temperatures differences throughout the profile of the street. If laid asphalt does not offer a homogeneous temperature profile it may be subject to damage by external aspects. Changes in wheater and related temperature rise and drop will damage the surface where temperature problems have occurred during the paving process.

Once Pave IR is installed and operating, it’s information can support the paving process by displaying and recording divers’ amount of information concerned with the machine, the material and the outside condition.

More detailed information about the display of information can be found in this article here:
The contractor does not only improve the paving process but enables his paving crew to work more efficient by delivery a better quality of the road. Research has proven that homogenous temperature profiles withstand thermal segregation and thus increase the longevity of a road.
Thank you JEMCO for another successful demonstration of PAVE IR in Japan

XSite 3D Service and Support Success Story

XSite 3D Service and Support Success Story

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A MOBA Australia Customer trialed an XSITE 3D system back in February 2020.
After working with our competition for many years, The customer decided to try something new.
Just a few months later, our customer went on to purchase 3 systems. Due to unmatched support and system performance - this month they purchased another 2 systems.
Plant manager Tim managed to install both systems himself without MOBA visiting the job site.
The customer has 15 plus systems of our competition and says the performance, ease of use, and support from MOBA makes the Xsite Pro system an easy choice moving forward.
Our Success strategy - Deliver the best Service and Support possible for every one of our customers!

MOBA XSITE 3D – the customer-oriented Earthmoving solution

XSite Pro in Taiwan

XSite Pro in Taiwan

Taiwan is the latest country where MOBA AG has introduced their 3D XSite Excavator control system to support companies working more efficiently and more accurately, – saving money, time, and rework. Xsite allows your team to program every dig in 2D and 3D applications, reducing up to 90 percent of the surveying work on your site. With MOBA you’re equipped with full visibility into depth, height, inclination, and bucket position. Each dig. Every time. For any machine. The Taiwanese company JFCC works on a project in the south of Taichung City to build a new water reservoir with a timeline of over 5-6 years. JFCC works with over 12 excavators and more than 20 trucks to ensure fast and efficient dig out. In total, the project compromises the creation of 3 lakes whereas the bottom must be filled with 3 layers of material. The first layer is sand with a height of approximately 80 cm. The second layer is small rocks with sizes between 3-5 cm with an average height of 60 cm and the third layer of another 60 cm with big rocks sized between 10-15 cm.” 

JFCC put the distribution of material to the test. They used a strip of 400 meters, whereas 200 meters were filled and leveled in a traditional way and 200 meters were being processed using MOBA Xsite Pro on their excavator. Traditionally means that first a surveyor was employed to stake out the needed height for each material (sand, small rock & big rock). Afterward, the operator was using an excavator to follow the stakes of the surveyor to bring the material to grade and level. The second strip of 200 meters needed no surveyor but only MOBA Xsite Pro system installed on an excavator and processing needed tasks by moving independently.

The result of the difference of both strips are significant:

MOBA Xsite Pro performed the task in half the time with more precise finishing, meaning that the operator was able to exploit the height tolerance at a minimum level.

Why is this so important?

Especially in large projects saving (even up to) 1cm of the material makes a huge cost difference. Imaging the distribution of material for a given land size of 100000m². Every additional centimeter would equal the use of 100 tones of additional material and connected costs.
With XSite Pro you can not only work faster yet also more efficiently by cutting operational costs and costs of material.

Thank you very much to Yuan and his team for the feedback and pictures