Ring-road project for Afghanistan_II

Ring-road project for Afghanistan II

The 2100km ring road project in Afghanistan has the purpose to connect all major cities of the country. We have reported earlier about this project in another blogpost(Ring-road project). The project has been going on for years and despite many challenges (monetary, terroristic attacks, reliable contractors and political changes) is now in the last stages of completion. For those who want to know more background information – the following link offers a very detailed and interesting insight about the whole project – https://www.afghanistan-analysts.org/going-in-circles-the-never-ending-story-of-afghanistans-unfinished-ring-road/

As you can see from the pictures, Cinderella uses the Big Sonic Ski with the MOBA MATIC 2 to copy the references from the side of the road. They also use a matching Ski to read from the freshly paved surface on the other side of the paver. No String-line needed!

Cinderella has been operating our Big Sonic Ski system now for 2 years and “the quality is still outstanding” (CEO & Owner, -Aaron AZIM).
With over 85% of the 2100 km ring road project being accomplished, our customer Cinderella from Afghanistan now faces the most challenging part of the project: It’s the construction of a 12 km long mountain pass with a 2600 meter peak. Next to rough terrain and weather conditions, the project is also overshadowed by risk of terroristic attacks and thus always protected by heavily armed security.

Below please find a video of the construction process – because Cinderella starts construction from scratch, they sent us a video of how to “tackle” the conditions of the terrain:

We thank Cinderella for the distribution of the pictures/videos and feedback. We are looking forward to many more years of working together.

Why thickness measurement in road construction is essential for the quality of the road

Why thickness measurement in road construction is essential for the quality of the road

In road construction, there is an infinite number of pinwheels to make the process as perfect as possible. Everything has to be considered and taken into account, starting with the planning, the tendering process, the specification of machines and staff, the choice of material and of course the paving process. Looking at the process, I would like to go a little deeper into the different asphalt layers, because they have a significant impact on the resilience and many other characteristics that are often marginally mentioned.

The different asphalt layers and their tasks

First, I would like to give a short introduction into the different layers and their functions. Every layer is important for the reliability of the road.

i. Base course

The base course, as the name implies – along with the binder course – is the load carrying element of the road and gives the binder and top layer a consistent hold. Furthermore, the base course protects quickly and effectively from rainfall and other environmental conditions. Exposed traffic forces are removed and evenly distributed on the base. The layer thickness should be selected in such a way that the required compaction is achieved at each point of the street. Often, with base course thicknesses of more than 15cm, the layer is paved in two production steps

II. Binder course

The binder course ensures that shear stresses are absorbed and thus deformations in the road are prevented. Uneven surfaces remaining from the base course are further optimized in the binder installation, so that the perfect smoothness is achieved as soon as possible after the binder installation. The layer thicknesses stagger depending on the material and type of the road between 5cm – 12cm.

III. Top Layer

The top layer is the most heavily used layer of the road, because it is subject to the direct influence of traffic, weather and thawing agents. Thus, the top layer must be particularly resistant to wear and deformation. Durable evenness, grip, environmental friendliness and low noise are other properties required by the top layer. In addition, the layer must be designed with structures, textures, colors and shapes. The specified layer thicknesses can be very different, depending on the requirement and the type of material.
The classification of the road in its different asphalt layers and their components has an economic as well as a technical background. Every single layer has its own special task as described above. Its position, strength and material composition make it a part of the load-bearing capacity and resilience of the finished road. The individual layers are combined into a compact structure in order to fulfill the desired specification, which is essential for the durability of the entire construction. Not to be forgotten is the infrastructure aspect of every street, because the users of the road are also very interested in a stable road that meets the requirements.

How do unstable or even too low layer thicknesses affect the overall road?

1. Lifetime of the road

Unstable layer thicknesses prevent the individual layers from fulfilling their function. For example, if a road has changing thicknesses in the binder layer, it will absorb the resulting shear stresses better and worse. Early road damage is the result. However, if the binder course is made uniformly and consistently, the building structure will be evenly stressed and will be able to maintain its originally specified lifespan.
If there are irregular layer thicknesses in the top layer, premature road damage will be the result. Especially in the top layer you need to have a consistent layer thicknesses in order to avoid cracks or waves.
If you are able to have perfectly leveled layers, stable thicknesses can much easier be achieved. Good logistics, stable material temperatures, and constant paving speeds are some more prerequisites for a constant layer thicknesses in the paving process.
It gets more critical if the layer thicknesses are irregular across all layers. Critical points over the entire course of the road are the result. There will be spots where the road will take early damage and not reach the desired lifespan. In the following sketch you can see, even as a layman, that something is wrong. What is not critical in the base course, changes dramatically with the binder and even more in the top layer. If the binder course is irregular and even too thin in some places, it can no longer fulfill its task as a tension absorber. This problem gets even bigger in the base course, because in this case the problem becomes visible first. Cracks and holes are the result of too thin and irregular layers. The durability of the road decreases significantly.

2. Economic and infrastructure aspects

The economic aspect is especially important for the contractor because he has a great interest that the completed project achieves the quality to reach the specified and planned lifespan. The contractor will not have any warranty claims. Especially contractors, but also road owners and we as the tax-payers are interested in roads with high quality and a long lifespan. One particularly essential basis for this are constant layer thicknesses, which are paved exactly as required.
Furthermore, by working on the tolerance limits, the contractor gets the opportunity to save material and thus costs. If one considers that with a material price of 80.00 EUR per ton, a paving scope of 100km with an average screed width of 6m can result in a saving of 80,000.00 EUR for every saving of 0.1cm layer thickness, the cost savings for a year can easily be calculated.
Even if the guidelines and specifications all over the world vary: At some point the road construction project and thus the paving material has to be paid. At the end of the day, after each project, there are people using the street. No matter if it´s on two-wheeled vehicles, cars, trucks or others. Whether business or private purposes. We all have a great interest in traveling safe and relaxed but still quick to reach our destination.

MOBA 3D-matic to improve the quality of construction in China

Insulation of the MRW
100% testing - because safe is safe

Jiqing highway is 318 kilometers long. It is now the busiest highway in Shandong province of China. Traffic pressure is large, traffic jam often happens and sometimes even for two or three hours. The current two-way four lane cannot meet the needs. The construction is to expand and upgrade the Jiqing highway, and will be the first highway from two-way 4 Lane to two-way 8 Lane in Shandong, also the only highway with the longest rebuilt mileage and maintain a two-way traffic.
30th March, 2018
Mr. Jiwei Sun, the head of the Jinan Tongda Highway Engineering Co., Ltd., said, “the grader 3D GNSS automatic control system improved our efficiency. With this system, we can upgrade our existing construction technology, remove the traditional construction methods such as pile driving, dense points and so on, improve the quality of construction, which can also save the labor intensity of our surveyors and save time and money” when he summed up the changes brought by MOBA 3D-matic technical advantages to their company.
What customer uses is MOBA 3D-matic GNSSS system, which measures and records the height and position of the blade by GNSS antenna fixed on the mast with high precision and then compares the measured data to design drawings in the operation panel and transfers the difference after comparison to GS506 system to control the blade of grader.
After using MOBA 3D-matic in the construction, the customers’ on-site surveyors survey the site, and tolerance is 1.5cm, which is able to meet the construction requirements of customers. Whatever is the working condition and road surface, curved surface, plane and slope are all formed once.
Thanks to the German 3D Product Manager Jörg Schittenhelm, under his on-site guidance, MOBA Dalian engineers overcome a lot of difficulties and finally succeeded in testing and lay a solid foundation for MOBA 3D-matic to enter the Chinese market

Insulation of the MRW

Insulation of the MRW
100% testing - because safe is safe

Whether the MRW 1000 Limit, MRW 4-20mA or MRW CAN – all variants also have an insulated version. The insulated versions are always used in instances where live cables or lamps are used. Additional manufacturing steps and special components ensure that no electrical current can damage the load cell. The load cell meets the criteria of the DIN/VDE standard 0682-742 and is suitable for working on live parts up to AC 1000 Volt and DC 1500 Volt. The manufacturing process is largely identical to that of a non-insulated MRW. However, an additional insulation test is carried out after completion of the MRW.
MOBA plays it safe and tests every manufactured MRW 100% for its insulation properties.
For this purpose, the load cell is subjected to an insulation test. In this insulation test, one test pole is connected to the aluminium body of the MRW and the second test pole is connected to the wires of the connecting cable. The MRW is then charged with an increased test voltage of 3.5KV. The test voltage thus corresponds to more than triple the specified value in order to rule out any errors.
The test is passed if the MRW has not passed a voltage breakdown within a defined period of time.
The distinguishing feature of an insulated MRW design is the blue triangular sticker. A non-insulated version of the MRW is shown on the right for comparison.
To be able to carry out the test safely, MOBA uses an in-house developed insulation test stand. The test can only be started when the hood is closed, thus ensuring that no person can touch the load cell during the test. Due to the high voltage, touching the MRW could result in life-threatening injuries.

MCA-500 in Brazil

MCA-500 in Brazil

Soil compaction is a vital part of the construction process. It is used for support building foundations, roadways, walkways, and other structures.
To ensure adequate soil compaction is achieved, project specifications will indicate the required soil density or degree of compaction that must be achieved. Determination of adequate compaction is done by determining the in-situ density of the soil and comparing it to the maximum density determined by a laboratory test.
The MCA-500 (MOBA Compaction Assistant) was created to help this process, I mean, to improve the quality of compacted surfaces. It helps the roller operator to know in real time the exactly moment when the soil has received the maximum compaction, and the compaction process must stop. The Compaction Assistant allows a more efficient use of the roll, reducing operational costs, helping to achieve ideal results in material compaction.

To prove all these benefits, MOBA do Brasil has done in 2017 and 2018 some demonstrations for clients and potential clients:

The MCA-500 is the easiest solution for compaction control!

Qualification of front foils at MOBA

Qualification of front foils at MOBA

When selecting front foils for a wide variety of applications, MOBA takes great care to ensure the best quality. There are many front foil manufacturers, but not every front foil is suitable for the rough conditions for mobile applications in a construction environment. The differences in quality partly result from the composition of several different layers and materials.
There are different qualification stages that a front foil needs to pass in order to get to serial production:
Therefore, MOBA decided to implement test procedures along with the introduction of the front foil technology. Among other things, this resulted in the development and manufacture of a specially developed test stand for the qualifications of the front foils.

Front Foil Test Procedure

1. Endurance Test
The test procedure for a front foil is as follows: the front foil is applied to a printed circuit board and a keystroke is simulated with the aid of compressed air tappets. Using a PC, the keystrokes are documented, and the front foils are tested until the front foil is damaged.
2. Weather Resistance test
In the next qualification stage, the front foil is checked for its UV and form stability.

The front foil is tested in a sun simulation cabinet. The sun simulation cabinet can simulate temperatures and sun rays, as they can occur for example in the Arab countries. This test ensures that the front foil is dimensionally stable and that the dome embossing is retained. If the dome embossing is reduced by the heat, the worst-case scenario could be a self-triggering key.

In addition, this test checks that the colours are UV-stable and do not bleach out. However, the film is not only tested for heat, but also for its behaviour at minus temperatures. The film is exposed to extreme minus temperatures. The front foil goes through several of these cycles to reproduce reality as closely as possible.

3. Salt Spray Test
If the above tests have been successfully passed, the front foil must undergo a salt spray test. This test checks that no salt water can damage the front foil.

The front foil is also tested for its material resistance to a wide variety of substances such as lubricants, cleaning agents or operating fluids.

Only when all tests have been successfully passed does the front foil receive approval for use in production.

Even decor foils undergo the testing procedure

All of the so-called decor foils go through this testing process, too. This is a single-layer front foil with specific key symbols applied to a white front foil. This structure has proved to be very successful with the HMImc concept, as an HMI can be used on several different lifters and the specific key symbols are realised via the decor foil. This not only offers advantages in stock management due to identical parts, but also offers the possibility of replacing the decor foil at any time in the field if it is soiled by paint, etc. A front foil can also be changed at any time, but this must be done at MOBA’s.
Feel free to contact us for our HMI solutions and let us work together to develop your own HMI from proven components!

Paving Artificially Intelligent, with Temperature Control, thickness, leveling and compaction

Paving Artificially Intelligent

with Temperature Control, thickness, leveling and compaction

The construction of roads does not depend more on the accumulated experience of the workers, be the workers on production of materials, on operations of machinery, be it the surveyors, almost of all those who are involved in a complete process of construction of a road.

“The technological evolution applied to the segment already allows us to obtain optimum performance even with a less experienced team”

New technologies with human machine interfaces (HMI), ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, satellite technology, artificial intelligence and telemetry are helping a lot in road works. In the past the operators guided the steps of the machines, “Today, the machines guide the steps of the operators”.
The futuristic and spooky portraits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that dominate movies and books and influence the collective imagination do not go beyond mere fiction. But, in the real world, AI is changing our daily lives, and overwhelmingly, through ways that improve human health, safety and productivity. Contrary to what we see in the cinema, there are no armies of robots with superhuman capabilities in the closest horizon, despite being many critics who faced a myriad of problems and threats led by this unprecedented evolution. And, despite the fact that the potential for an abusive use of AI technologies must be recognized, addressed and debated, along with numerous emerging ethical issues, their greatest potential lies, among a set of diverse fields, in making the driving of vehicles are safer, help children and adults to learn, to improve – and to extend – the quality of life of humans. Actually, the use of AI beneficial applications in schools, in our homes, in hospitals and in construction, is added at an accelerated pace: the large universities devote more and more time and resources to their study and technology and research companies , they are allocating resources and giant investments in their exploitation.
Between great hopes, fears and challenges or threats, the impact that AI will have in different areas of our existence is not science fiction. For good and for evil, but believing that it will be more for good, the rapid march of Artificial Intelligence has no return. The AI and the Internet of Things (IoT) have already arrived and are here to stay. Also, the Building Information Modeling (BIM), deals with how to use digital technology in the design, construction and management of assets for life. In this way, this model presents an organized and classified information on the cartography, the linear information for the tracing of roads and railways, the bridges, the structures and walls, the tunnels, the environment, the treatments of the land and the planning of work, as well as other services affected by water, electricity and gas. In addition, this organized system allows a more uniform, coherent, versatile and more comprehensible information.

Optimizing Road Infrastructure: The Life Cycle, BIM Methodology, and Enhanced Project Management

In the life cycle of a road infrastructure, it is necessary to highlight a series of stages beginning with the initial phase, which is also the shortest. Then follows the decision-making phase and work in the different disciplines. Likewise, all deliveries must be perfectly defined and the rules of implementation, well established. In all these stages it is necessary to have a database, feed it and adjust it, so that it is used by all the protagonists involved in the life cycle of the work. It is a project that becomes construction and ends in operation and maintenance. Then, we must also consider the uses of the BIM methodology in the different phases. In construction, we can talk about the use of the model, for a better-defined project, a reduction in costs due to better planning and the consistency of the model, the traceability of changes and the improvement of communication. The operation and maintenance phase stand out for the unification of the information and access to the real data of the state of each infrastructure project and its elements. In addition to the traceability in the decisions and the evolution of the state of the infrastructure, as well as the improvement in management.

Streamlining Road Management with BIM: Centralized Data and Collaborative Efficiency

A BIM System in Road Management consists of a software that puts at the disposal of the infrastructure manager all the necessary information, from the position and status of each inventory item or road, as all projects, files and activities associated, as well as any related information. A BIM system integrates all the information in a conveniently designed common space. Having all the centralized information and using it in all phases of any project allows us to optimize costs, manage information more effectively, and facilitate the emergence of relationships between modules and files, which ultimately facilitate the work of any manager. Likewise, a system of these characteristics allows the different actors involved in the conservation and operation of roads to work in a coordinated manner, from those responsible for public administration and workers of the concession companies, each of whom can access their information, but also sharing the resources that everyone needs.

In short, the BIM in linear infrastructures allows a greater control of the elements and a better reality seen in the initial phase, that of the project, to be later exposed in the final phases.

A good example of the use of this type of technology is the construction in China of intelligent highways based on 5G and AI. This intelligent 5G highway is for autonomous vehicles and traffic tracking based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), through a mobile operator. The urban-scale system under construction will be able to support transport services coordinated by the mobile network, such as intelligent toll stations that will be able to eliminate the current identifiers and human operators (porters). In addition, the operator also plans to collect traffic information in real time and make forecasts supported by Artificial Intelligence using the data, as well as offering support to autonomous vehicles.

New technologies existing in the market, in the construction and conservation of pavements

As a response or recommendation of existing technology in the market, to solve the problems referred to in the introduction, let’s talk about solutions for the monitoring and control of the temperature of the asphalt mass, the monitoring and control of thickness and leveling of the asphalt binder and of the monitoring and control of the compaction index of the asphalt layer in the different types of roller compactors. With the solutions detailed below, the prevention and improvement of the efficiency of the two most important factors in the life of a road are made, which are the segregation “figure 1” and the International Index of Roughness (IRI) “figure 2 and 3 “

Figure 1. Example of segregation

Figure 2. IRI scale

Figure 3. Example of an IRI> 3m / KM

Monitoring and control of the temperature of the asphalt mass

Smart paving with real-time thermal visualization for asphalt paving in the present and in the future, allows the optimization of processes and documentation in road construction.

The perfect temperature of the paving material is an extremely important factor in the construction of roads and determinant for the quality of the road. Therefore, the exhaustive thermal visualization of the paving process provides valuable information on the quality of the material and offers completely new optimization opportunities. The infrared (IR) scanner method is a system that creates a thermal profile of the roadway in a clear and simple way and also, in real time. The high-precision infrared temperature scanner creates an exhaustive thermal profile of the extended layer with a total width equal to the width of the asphalt paver and, if desired, can be used as proof of paging and supply temperatures. In this way, the fully automatic display of the temperature offers the possibility of quickly identifying the specific points that may be affected by the thermal segregation to react immediately.

Additional high-performance sensors can be positioned on the pavers where desired, further measuring the temperatures of the material right where the temperature plays a decisive role, whether in the bucket, in the lower layer or in the mixer. This multiple measurement provides numerous highly accurate data. In this way it is possible to know the temperature of the material supplied in real time and, if necessary, document it. Thus, the temperature differences of the paving material can be seen throughout the process, so that if necessary, it can be reacted immediately by taking the appropriate measures.

These technological solutions are an important element for the interconnected work of the future and contribute in a decisive way to the longevity of the road. Its development and its daily use in projects from all over the world are just one more proof that digitization 4.0 is already part of the daily routine of every project.

Characteristics and advantages of the solution - temperature measuring infrared

The unique infrared technology of the scanner offers the decisive advantage that it measures the temperature of the asphalt surface and the material with great precision. In addition, its measurement capacity of a width of up to 13 m makes it technically superior to the camera-based solutions available in the market.

The fundamental capacity of the solution is given by three functions: the highly accurate data recording with a cloud solution, its connection with open interfaces for the current asphalt and process logistics systems and a scalable reporting system in detail. With the automatic measurement of the temperature displayed in a human machine interface (HMI), self-explanatory temperature profiles show new possibilities for optimization and the best thing is that it does not involve extra work for the team in charge of the extended works. In addition to the exhaustive display and documentation of temperature measurements, the definitive advance is the fact that the system allows interconnection with the finisher, which is the “cornerstone” for the work of the future.

Characteristics of the solution:

Advantages of the solution:

MCE LASERS control panel with MOBA LS3000 receivers

MCE LASERS control panel with MOBA LS3000 receivers

MOBA Australia has integrated its popular Single and Dual control panels CB.D2.CAN and CB.DUO2.CAN to work with a range of MOBA sensors including LS3000, MOBA Sonic, MOBA 3D Matic and more. The system architecture allows for various setup methods to suit different machinery types As you can see in the below images the system was recently installed on a Fontana Geo blade.

Key points

  • The junction boxes allow for easy dismount of the blade and control system
  • Each function from the left channel can be locked to the right channel eg: to lock the ref key, to lock the Auto/manual button
  • The system can control all common hydraulic types Bang Bang, Proportional current IO, Proportional Voltage VO
  • Proportional joystick to control each hydraulic channel,
  • Additional AUX hydraulic keys to be able to drive additional valves (this was useful to control the valve that lifts and lowers the front wheel)

This customer also plans to use Ultrasonic on the machine for Curb referencing

The Structure of Telematics Systems

The Structure of Telematics Systems

The experts are at one: with telematics and GPS, an effective fleet management and a higher security level on construction sites is possible.

The term telematics means to transmit measured values to a physical distance to a recipient.

The technology behind telematics solutions consists of these main elements: A telematics control unit, mobile data communications, a server and a front-end web app.
There exist Server-Client based or internet based architectures. The first one, the server infrastructure is located at the clients. The advantage is that sensitive data is directly stored at the clients. But it means that a very costly IT infrastructure is necessary and needs to be maintained. The second solution, the server is maintained by a service supplier. The data that is stored in a cloud can be recalled via web browser or app and a personalized login. This is the most common solution as it is also affordable for smaller clients.
The Control Unit is the central hardware part of the telematics device. It communicates via interfaces with the machine’s CAN Bus and collects and transmits all important machine data like position, speed or diagnostics via wireless network like GPRS/GMS or LTE to the cloud server in form of data packets (MQTT messages). When the data reaches the server, it gets unpacked and stored in a database. A cloud based telematics server consists of a web server, an application server, and a database. The two servers are necessary for a smooth data exchange between database and front-end application. The user can at any time access the data stored in the database via a desktop or mobile app on a computer or a mobile device.
The data that is stored can be used for various different tasks, for example fleet management. The vehicle data delivers the necessary information for real-time tracking, driver monitoring, fuel optimization or tour planning. Also, services like maintenance can be improved with those data or to track stolen vehicles is possible.
But not only for industry telematics gets more and more important, also in the private use, telematics play a role, for example vehicle insurance companies offer telematics tariffs, that offer insurances that charge the customers according to the vehicle usage pattern.

HMI Modular Concept: How much time and money will you save?

HMI Modular Concept: How much time and money will you save?

One of the most important aspects of lifting and access work is the human machine interface (HMI) and control systems. As these machines become more autonomous, it is important that machine operators have easy to use, versatile, reliable, robust, and ergonomic machine controls. As OEMs look to improve their machine controls, many factors go into deciding whether to change and improve them. OEMs are always looking to distinguish themselves from the competition, and a unique solution is usually created for each manufacturer when requested. While undoubtedly important, this does take a substantial amount of time, money, research, and development for the manufacturer. One unique aspect of the decision making is the development time and costs.
But what if there was a way to achieve these safety solutions for less? Less investment, less time, less research, and still achieve a robust and compliant safety performance level. These benefits are something that many niche access manufacturers, medium and large-sized companies are already experiencing with their partnership with MOBA.
One popular customization option is MOBA’s HMI modular concept, which allows OEMs to customize each HMI on their machines without having to invest in development cost. This not only saves the customer money on the development cost and but also reduces research time. With a modern CANbus interface, these HMI modules can be integrated in a variety of ways while reducing the need for cables, resulting in further savings for the OEM. Options include standard and lockable joysticks, multiple types of keypad and display modules, and versatile housing for the one or three modules. Each unit is also shock-proof and water resistant for even the most rugged of job sites. Each customer can incorporates their own distinct decal foils for further customization. These modules also allow for easy maintenance when things go awry on the job site. Instead of having to replace the entire HMI, OEMs can simply replace the module itself, again saving time and money. Making safety simple is what we love to do at MOBA. You can learn more about our systems here: https://moba-automation.com/crane-lifter