BIM – Building Information Modeling

BIM - Building Information Modeling

What is BIM?

Building information modeling (BIM) is an ongoing process to generate, monitor and save physical and functional data for construction sites and building sites. Building information models (BIMs) are files (often but not always in exclusive formats and containing proprietary data) which can be extracted, exchanged or networked to support decision-making regarding a building or other built asset. Design and construction of roads and railways includes most often needs and work tasks to fit geometrically bridges into the roads. Compared to the traditional methods, BIM based modelling and construction process offer new advanced possibilities for this fitting work. Current BIM software is used by individuals, businesses and government agencies who plan, design, construct, operate and maintain diverse physical infrastructures, such as water, refuse, electricity, gas, communication utilities, roads, bridges, ports, tunnels, etc..

The simple process below describes the steps how BIM support in the building process – Model based Construction Process

What is the main benefit of BIM?

BIM means that you not only capture reality but also maintain control of the data which improves the collaboration of divers entities involved in the construction process. BIM supports in looking at a project from the big picture but at the same time allows to dive into detail. The BIM toolset helps automate clash detection of elements such as electrical conduit or ductwork that run into a beam. By modeling all of these things first, clashes are discovered early, and costly on-site issues can be reduced. The digital model also ensures a perfect fit of elements that are manufactured off-site, allowing these components to be easily bolted into place rather than created on-site. The advantage of prior simulation process saves money, time and resources.

Below you can see an example of the evolvement of data in the finish construction process. While in 1970 all drawings were still paper based – 35 years later 3D is the state of the Art for large scale construction development nationwide.

BIM founder and specialist Petteri Palviainen stipulates that “(…) it is just a matter of time until other countries will follow to use BIM as a mandatory tool in building and construction processes”

Watch this space – The next BIM article will show BIM advancements in other countries such as Vietnam and give a deeper insight how BIM is connected to open source data management programs such as “Infrakit” as well as give a major focus on machine control aspects of BIM.

Credit to: Petteri Palviainen Heikkilä, R., University of Oulu, Finnalnd), Modeling versus Data Management

Turning data into information

Turning data into information

Last week, I wrote an article and used the phrase “turning data into information”. I stopped and realized that on an intuitive level I knew what this phrase meant, but I started thinking what actually distinct data from information?

After a quick Google search, I realized that the term ‘information’ is differently defined and used across different disciplines like computer sciences, linguistics, biology, history, or theology. After some more re-search I found a communications engineering-heavy definition of information, which helped me to see the difference between data and information.

Please be aware that this definition of information is created by a creationist to prove that there is no evolution. As critics have pointed out, transforming this communications engineering definition of information into the area of biology and evolution is an attribution error. I also struggle to follow the reasoning that there is no evolution (based on this information definition). However, this is not a blog about beliefs and I found it helpful to understand the difference between data and information.

Basically, there are five levels, which I want to briefly introduce.


The statistics of an information interprets the descriptive part based on quantitative measures. For example, questions around count and composition of characters, frequency of character combinations and so on are answered. It relays heavily on the mathematical theory of sets.


The syntax of an information summarizes all structural features. This level does not look at content or meaning, but focuses on sign systems, which are used to code the information. It also includes formal and informal rules about possible combinations of characters and strings (of characters). Additionally, morphology, phonetics and vocabulary are looked at. If all aspects are given, it is called a language. Even though there a lot of different languages all of them have sign systems and agreed-on rules.

Only through language it is possible to transmit and store information. Actually, sender and receiver of an information (humans, animals and technical systems) need to know the aspect of syntax if they want to understand the information.


The semantic of an information describes the meaning. Meaning is basically the invariance of the information. Even if the statistics and syntax of an information changes, the meaning stays the same. For example, if you encode an information into a natural language, a blueprint or programming language, the meaning stays the same.


The pragmatism of an information focuses on the aspect that information transfer always includes the sender’s intention to produce some result from the receiver. The sender might openly formulate his intention, but it might also be implicit within the message.


Apobetics describes the result or purpose of the information itself. Each information contains a purpose or objective of the sender. For example, the sentence ‘buy our great new product for only $10!’ requires the receiver to go to the store (action part, pragmatism), while the intended purpose is that the receiver of the information buys the product.

Data vs Information

With this definition, I think the differences between data and information become more evident. Data and information have both statistics and syntax in common. Both can be statistically analysed and there must be syntax so that the receiver and sender of data and information can understand each other. Even semantic is common for data and information. Data can be represented in a lot of different format; the data stay the same. For instance, a height deviation during the paving process might be shown as number on a screen, but also as a blinking arrow. It is still the same data.

However, if we get to the aspects of pragmatism and apobetics, it becomes evident, how data are turned into information. For example, current engine data from a ship in an ocean most likely does not create any kind of action from you as the receiver (the pragmatism aspect). You also do not care about the purpose of the message. However, if you get engine data from your machine on a jobsite, this turns into information. If you see unusual data, you start actions to figure out what is wrong with the engine by remotely connecting to the machine or calling the operator (the pragmatism aspect). The overlaying purpose of the information is to avoid unexpected downtime.

And what has this to do with the job site?

This might all sound rather theoretical, but there is a good take away from this reflection on data and information for me. If you a use a control system for a construction machine or a telematics systems, which can provide heaps of data, make sure that only the data are shown and used, on which you need to act on and which help you to solve a higher purpose. Then you turned data into information. Otherwise it is just data clutter.

What do you think? Did I miss important aspects which turn data into information? I am keen to hear from you.

Upgrading your Furukawa Drilling machine to MOBA 3D

Upgrading your Furukawa Drilling machine to MOBA 3D

MOBA AG and FURUKAWA are strong partners for 2D and 3D Drilling. Since 2018 Furukawa equips several machine types with MOBA’s MSD3000_IMS Display.
The display shows the internal machine data and camera pictures, front and rear. The corresponding Furukawa machines can be equipped 2D sensoric and/or can be upgraded to full 3D support. Machine guidance does not only increase the precision and effectiveness but also the safety of a working site. The Drilling machine can be used as an independent unit – the reliance on external survey teams is minimized. MOBA is one the leading manufacturers of Drilling systems and we are proud to have strong partners such as Furukawa.
Please find below the different sensors that are available for upgrading your Drilling machine. The options range from basic sensor extensions such as DEPTH and MAST Slope, over full 2D positioning and finally leading towards 3D control.

The Choice of Bucket

The Choice of Bucket

Working with an excavator enables the operator to perform a wide-ranging list of tasks depending on the job. Each application demands different skills and corresponding working tools. When operating with XSite Pro, the operator has full flexibility when it comes to the choice of working tool – his or her bucket. XSite Pro supports all common excavator buckets and beyond.
The below video shows the most common buckets used in XSite Pro

In addition, XSite Pro also supports are a wide range of 3rd party Tiltrotors.

Tilt rotators are perfect for grading and leveling work, allowing you to be more efficient when tackling the job and saving you from having to constantly reposition your excavator.

Here is an overview of our most common tilt rotators supported by both our software Xsite App and LNX.

Kinshofer Nox

The below picture shows the excavator of our customer Juhyun who bundles his own manufactured Tilit rotator with our Xsite Pro system in Korea.

Please see the website of Juhyun for further information:

Autobahn-Bau in Polen: Erfolg mit dem Super-Ski von Budimex und MOBA

Autobahn-Bau in Polen: Erfolg mit dem Super-Ski von Budimex und MOBA

OEM-Hersteller MOBA, Händler Bellator und Bauunternehmen Budimex liefern ein Beispiel für die Innovationskraft der Baubranche: Der polnische Experte für Straßenbau erreichte dank des Super-Ski von MOBA höchste Ebenheit und Effizienz bei der Asphaltierung der A1-Autobahn. Besonders die schnelle Montage und die robuste Konstruktion des Super-Ski konnten dabei überzeugen.

Die Bauindustrie, insbesondere der Straßenbau, steht vor zahlreichen Herausforderungen. Straßen müssen heute nicht nur möglichst eben, robust und langlebig sein, sondern auch so schnell und am besten mit so geringem Materialverbrauch wie möglich gebaut werden. So steht hinter (den meisten) neuen Straßen eine Meisterleistung, der höchstpräzise, aufwendige und anspruchsvolle Vermessungen vorausgehen.

Das führende Bauunternehmen Polens, Budimex, suchte daher nach innovativen Lösungen, um diese Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten. Insbesondere die mühsame und zeitaufwendige Einrichtung herkömmlicher Nivelliersysteme, die akribische manuelle Einstellungen erfordern, machten dem Unternehmen dabei zu schaffen. Eine Lösung fand das Unternehmen in Form des Super-Skis von MOBA.

Die Super-Ski-Lösung: Game-Changer auf der A1

Zum Einsatz kam der Super-Ski dabei im Rahmen eines Projekts zur Erneuerung der Asphaltfahrbahn auf der Autobahn A1. Budimex, unterstützt von Bellator, dem MOBA-Händler in Polen, montierte das System dazu auf einen DYNAPAC SD 2550-Fertiger. Das Ergebnis: präziseste Nivellierung – bei unkompliziertem, schnellem Handling und höchster Effizienz. “Der Super-Ski stellt einen Technologiesprung dar und bietet eine Lösung, mit der sich die Produktivität deutlich steigern lässt – und das ohne dabei Abstriche in Sachen Qualität machen zu müssen”, so Paweł Radecki von Bellator.

Neue Maßstäbe im Straßenbau

Zum Einsatz kam der Super-Ski dabei im Rahmen eines Projekts zur Erneuerung der Asphaltfahrbahn auf der Autobahn A1. Budimex, unterstützt von Bellator, dem MOBA-Händler in Polen, montierte das System dazu auf einen DYNAPAC SD 2550-Fertiger. Das Ergebnis: präziseste Nivellierung – bei unkompliziertem, schnellem Handling und höchster Effizienz. “Der Super-Ski stellt einen Technologiesprung dar und bietet eine Lösung, mit der sich die Produktivität deutlich steigern lässt – und das ohne dabei Abstriche in Sachen Qualität machen zu müssen”, so Paweł Radecki von Bellator.

Partnerschaft als Erfolgsgarant

Entscheidend für den Erfolg des Projekts war neben dem Produkt vor allem auch die konstruktive Zusammenarbeit zwischen MOBA, Bellator und Budimex. “Diese Kooperation unterstreicht einmal mehr unser Engagement, Innovationen in der Bautechnik voranzutreiben”, so Erik Geis, Director Sales EMEA von MOBA. „Sie ist ein Paradebeispiel dafür, wie Spitzentechnologie, unterstützt durch starke Partnerschaften und hervorragende Kundenbetreuung, zu außergewöhnlichen Ergebnissen führen kann.“

Gemeinsam die Zukunft gestalten

Das Super-Ski-Projekt mit Budimex und Bellator markiert einen wichtigen Fortschritt in der Straßenbauindustrie. Es zeigt, wie mit innovativen Ansätzen traditionelle Herausforderungen gemeistert und neue Maßstäbe in Sachen Effizienz und Qualität gesetzt werden können. Diese Partnerschaft verspricht daher nicht nur langlebige und nachhaltige Straßen, sondern auch eine Zukunft, in der die Bauindustrie durch Zusammenarbeit innovativer und effizienter wird.

Als eines der führenden polnischen Bauunternehmen kann Budimex auf eine lange Tradition bei der Durchführung hochwertiger Infrastruktur- und Bauprojekte zurückblicken. Ihr Fokus auf Innovation und Effizienz ermöglicht es ihnen, komplexe Herausforderungen im Bauwesen zu meistern und die Nachhaltigkeit und Langlebigkeit ihrer Projekte zu gewährleisten.
Budimex Website

Bellator, der offizielle Händler von MOBA in Polen, ist auf die Lieferung von fortschrittlichen Bautechniklösungen spezialisiert. Dank seiner Fachkenntnisse auf dem lokalen Markt und seines starken Supports haben Kunden wie Budimex Zugang zu den besten Werkzeugen und innovativen Technologien.
Bellator Website

Key Account Manager (m/w/d) Waste Management & Wägetechnik

Key Account Manager (m/w/d) Waste Management & Wägetechnik

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MOBA Mobile Automation AG ist ein führender Anbieter von innovativen Lösungen im Bereich mobiler Wägetechnik sowie von Erkennungssystemen. Angeboten werden Komplettsysteme aus Hard- und Software sowie Cloud-Lösungen. Wir unterstützen unsere Kunden dabei, ihre Prozesse zu optimieren und nachhaltige Lösungen zu implementieren.

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