Asphalt compositions for different application scenarios

Asphalt compositions for different application scenarios – a brief overview

Asphalt is the key material for road construction. It is, however, as versatile as there are use cases for paved roads. There is not one universal recipe for each application. It is rather the composition of components, which defines the physical properties of a road.

Asphalt consists of aggregate and bitumen. The choice of binder type and quantity as well the type of aggregation play an important role in the right composition. Depending on that, asphalt has different cavities. Consequently, different compositions lead to different properties of the asphalt. Dependent on the road requirements, the right choice thus needs to be made regarding the composition of materials. Here an example of how the right composition cancels noise:

The asphalt mix types below describe the recipe of the optimum noise absorption, permeable and porous mastic asphalt.
– The asphalt concrete (AC 8 D) has a uniform grain size distribution and has relatively few cavities
– Due to the high binder contents, the Stone mastic Asphalt (SMA 8) has a relatively low void content.
– By contrast, in the case of cast asphalt (MA 8 n), the space between the coarse grain structure is almost completely filled by its high mortar content.
– The Open pored asphalt (PA 11) is formed by pronounced cavities, as a grain size distribution is present.
– With open poreded cast asphalt (PMA 5), a special cavity structure is achieved by a failure grain in the area of fine aggregate.
– In the noise-optimised asphalt surface (AC 5 D Loa), the special surface texture is achieved by a continuous particle size distribution and a reduced binder content.