„And the winner is… Pave-TM“ – our Thickness Measurement System has won the bauma Innovation Price 2019

„And the winner is… Pave-TM“ – our Thickness Measurement System has won the bauma Innovation Price 2019

What could be more on point for the Innovation Center section of our MOBA community than a first price in category „components“ of the „bauma Innovation price 2019“?

The „bauma 2019“ will always be special for MOBA as well as for me and my whole team around the product Pave-TM. What started with a simple trial in year 2015 is now a released product and makes it’s way into the global markets. Last year it was time to apply for the bauma innovation price. After adding a new sensor to the system, we achieved more stable and accurate measurements over the hot asphalt. We are still the only ones, having a system for continuously thickness measurement during the paving process for pavers and this is exactly what the jury understood and acknowledged.
Decision makers from „Verband deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. (VDMA)“, „Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V. (HDB)“, „Zentralverband des deutschen Baugewerbes e.V. (ZDB) and Bundesverband Baustoffe – Steine und Erden e.V. (BBS)“ were voting five winners for five categories: Machine, components, construction methods, research & science and design. More than 160 companies applied for the prices.

In January, we were informed, that we made our way up to the top three in our category. Now we had to create a film which shows the benefits and the purpose of Pave-TM.

This film was released and shown as a system introduction at the „BAUMA Mediendialog“ which took place in February in the BAUMA halls in Munich. Being there for two days, I was talking to more than 30 international journalists from different branches in order to explain the idea of the Pave-TM product to them, but also telling them, what makes it so special and innovative. Afterwards, they could also vote for the top three products within the different categories and it looked like we did a good job there.
Talking to all the different journalists, I realized again how special such an innovative product is and how special it is, to be Product Manager of such a product. It’s unique, and we are doing pioneering work, creating ideas, solutions and patents, heading forward into existing and new markets. Of course, there is also a downside of working on innovative products, because you are sometimes struggling and end up in dead ends. But exactly this challenge motivates us to keep going for our vision and our targets.
The final big day was Sunday before bauma. We were invited to the prize-giving into the „Allerheiligen-Hofkirche“ in the center of Munich, a perfect location for such an event. The first category was machines and „Herrenknecht AG“ won the first price there. Second category already was components and it was an really exciting moment, when we as MOBA were announced as the winners of the first price. I was really proud, when I received the price. Ms. Ursula Heller was the moderator of the event, and she interviewed me about the product and also about innovative thinking and what it takes to be innovative as a company.
I cannot imagine a better start for the bauma 2019.