Airport Project in Morowali – Sulawesi, Indonesia

Airport Project in Morowali - Sulawesi, Indonesia

The Vantage Group successfully installed 2 sets of MOBA Big Sonic Skis for an Airport Project in Morowali – Sulawesi. 

The challenge was not only the logistics, but also the intense training on product handling as well as hot-to-hot paving. The runway is more than 1,900 meters long and needs to have 0.0% inclination in longitudinal direction and 1.5% in cross section. The MOBA Big Sonic Ski is the perfect choice to achieve these challenging targets.
President Joko Widodo announced that he will be the first person to land on this strategic airport, therefore, the expectations and demand for quality is extraordinarily high.

"The use of Big Sonic Ski enabled us to concentrate on the slope and cross slope sections rather than having to focus on smoothness and leveling. As usual, working with Big Sonic Ski, saves time, costs and the outcome of the asphalt layer speaks for itself."