Ring-road project for Afghanistan II
The 2100km ring road project in Afghanistan has the purpose to connect all major cities of the country. We have reported earlier about this project in another blogpost(Ring-road project). The project has been going on for years and despite many challenges (monetary, terroristic attacks, reliable contractors and political changes) is now in the last stages of completion. For those who want to know more background information – the following link offers a very detailed and interesting insight about the whole project – https://www.afghanistan-analysts.org/going-in-circles-the-never-ending-story-of-afghanistans-unfinished-ring-road/
As you can see from the pictures, Cinderella uses the Big Sonic Ski with the MOBA MATIC 2 to copy the references from the side of the road. They also use a matching Ski to read from the freshly paved surface on the other side of the paver. No String-line needed!
Cinderella has been operating our Big Sonic Ski system now for 2 years and “the quality is still outstanding” (CEO & Owner, -Aaron AZIM).
With over 85% of the 2100 km ring road project being accomplished, our customer Cinderella from Afghanistan now faces the most challenging part of the project:
It’s the construction of a 12 km long mountain pass with a 2600 meter peak.
Next to rough terrain and weather conditions, the project is also overshadowed by risk of terroristic attacks and thus always protected by heavily armed security.
Below please find a video of the construction process – because Cinderella starts construction from scratch, they sent us a video of how to “tackle” the conditions of the terrain:
We thank Cinderella for the distribution of the pictures/videos and feedback.
We are looking forward to many more years of working together.